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7 <br />'ROGRESS REPORTS (Cont'd <br />interviewed. Two interviewed came from the Indiana <br />State Employment Office.. The stipulation for ap- <br />plica is to be acceptable is that they must be a <br />Model Cities resident. This is top priority., <br />8. JUESTION AND ANSWER SESSION: <br />M:rs.J net S. Allen asked if any maps have been published <br />showing the new final geometrics, of St. Joseph Street <br />so the people will know what is going on? She suggested <br />a map be published in the newspaper so that people will <br />know ore or less what is being planned. Mr. Ashenfelter <br />advised we have received everything but the actual docu- <br />mentation, as approved by the State Highway Commission. <br />Mrs. Allen also said so many are on.the list for con- <br />demnation and demolition, when are we going to start <br />building something so that we don't suddenly end up. <br />with empty lots? President Wilhelm- stated.the.only <br />demolition is in the area of Western Avenue.., Once <br />these old buildings are down, the land becomes more <br />salab e. Mr. Helmen stated the.Commission shares con - <br />cern bout the displaced people. <br />On the brochures for the Downtown area, President <br />Wilhelm stated that we_are proposing to prepare a <br />brochure on the Downtown area with a certain amount <br />of market information for the sale of•the Downtown <br />area, what is being done, properties that will be <br />avail ble, etc. The Chamber of Commerce feels we <br />have very strong need for this type o.f.pamphlet:- <br />and w hope to have this ready by the end of March. <br />Federal regulations prevented the staff from discussing <br />price3 for the land until the concurred -in prices were, <br />received recently. Mrs. Allen suggested a stimplified <br />form qithout technical data in.the lobby bf the County - <br />City Puilding. <br />Mr. Miller advised since project; execution staff has, <br />handed out 1,500 brochures,City Planning.Associates <br />worked up for us of the Downtown area. These are <br />people who are interested in the project, 'phone in- <br />quiri s, letters, etc. Mr. Helmen,suggested,we.'should <br />have a running list of prospects up -to -date and this <br />be ke t up to'date. Mr. Miller advised this will be <br />done and the Chamber of Commerce also has a file on <br />this. Mr. Helmen stated this report is encouraging <br />becau a he wasn't aware of what was going on. <br />-10- <br />QUESTION AND ANSWER <br />SESSION <br />