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Community/Campus Advisory Coalition (CCAC) <br />March 13, 2008 Meeting Minutes <br />Page 3 <br />for the Mission Statement: "CCAC will provide a viable mechanism to enhance <br />partnerships and build positive long-term relationships." <br />Members then discussed the important points that should be incorporated into the <br />Mission Statement. A proposed draft of the Mission Statement reads as follows: <br />"CACC will provide a viable mechanism to enhance partnerships and build positive <br />long-term relationships in order to address safety. for students and neighborhoods, build <br />better neighborhoods and enhance the quality of life for all." More discussions will be <br />held before finalizing the Mission Statement. <br />Council member Puzzello then asked the Coalition members what they believe are the <br />three top issues that should be addressed before the fall semester begins. There was a <br />lengthy discussion on how to combat the problem of illegal use of single family housing <br />in violation of zoning ordinances. Single family homes are too often occupied by more <br />than three unrelated persons as allowed by law. It was suggested that the City needed <br />to be proactive, contacting landlords and making them aware of the zoning regulations. <br />Code Enforcement Director Cathy Toppel noted that the Office of Code Enforcement <br />has sent out preemptive letters with limited success with respect to the alleged zoning <br />violations. It is also difficult to sue landlords for violation of zoning ordinances because <br />it is difficult to prove how many people are residing in the home. Universities are <br />hesitant to get involved with contacting parents about housing issues and some no <br />longer include housing lists in student packets. The suggestion was made to include <br />members of local realtors' and landlords' associations on the Coalition to help address <br />this problem. <br />The other two issues that are of the most concern are student and neighborhood safety <br />and unruly behavior. <br />The following areas were briefly addressed: <br />• The CCAC needs to formulate recommendations for the two (2) South Bend <br />Common Council Committees on or before June 15t per the governing City <br />Ordinance. <br />• The possibility of holding Coalition meetings at other locations was suggested, <br />but due to the public access requirement that minutes of these meetings must be <br />maintained by the City Clerk's office and the necessity of using recording <br />equipment, this may not be feasible. <br />• Small sub-committees may be needed to discuss specific problems. <br />• The Ordinance that created the Coalition is a fluid document and can be <br />amended if necessary. <br />