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Community/Campus Advisory Coalition (CCAC) <br />March 13, 2008 Meeting Minutes <br />Page 2 <br />City Clerk John Voorde then administered the oath to the following individuals; IUSB <br />Representative Dr. Jeff Jones, Holy Cross Student Body President Steven Henderson, <br />St. Mary's College Student Body President Mickey Gruscinski, Neighborhood Resident <br />Matthew Costello, Alcoholic Beverage Board Member Michael Carrington and South <br />Bend Police Chief Darryl Boykins. <br />Each of these members then signed their respective Oath of Office documents <br />(originals will be kept on file in the South Bend Office of the City Clerk). <br />Council Member Puzzello then asked the members to introduce themselves and <br />comment on why they became members of the Coalition. Common reasons that ran <br />through member comments were: <br />• Better relationships between schools, students and the community <br />• Safety and security of students and neighbors <br />• Keeping the lines of communication open <br />• Address troublesome issues before they become big problems <br />• Provide a better quality of life for everyone <br />The next item for discussion was the formulation of a Mission Statement for the <br />Coalition. Items mentioned by Coalition members for inclusion in the Mission Statement <br />included: <br />• Safety for students and neighborhoods <br />• Quality of life <br />• Building and strengthening neighborhood relationships <br />• Trash, snow shoveling, broken windows <br />It was agreed that the Mission Statement should be broad and not target specific <br />Universities. Common Council Attorney Kathy Cekanski-Farrand who assisted Council <br />Members Rouse and Kirsits in the drafting of Ordinance 9785-07 that created this <br />Coalition read a portion of the Ordinance which members agreed was a good beginning <br />