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7. PRO RESS REPORTS (Cont'd) <br />g. Special Workshop Meeting on'Accounting in VORKSHOP MEETING ON <br />Indiana olis, Ind., Sept. 21 and 22, 1970: Mrs. ACCOUNTING, INDIANAPOLIS, <br />Dorothy Z. Deane had attended this Workshop and SEPT. 21 & 22, 1970 <br />submitted a written report to the Commission. Presi- <br />dent Wilhelm complimented her on a very fine written <br />report. <br />h. HUD Office: Mr. L. Glenn Barbe gave a report HUD OFFICE REPORT <br />on his trip to the HUD office, in Chicago, yesterday, <br />October 1st. He had requested approval for the Site <br />ImproveTfent Contract A and B, for the Industrial Expan- <br />sion Pr ject, R -56. Their Engineering Department ap- <br />proved to proceed with the taking of bids scheduled for <br />October 8th. This will follow with written approval as <br />soon as we send approval of the State Health Department <br />of the "ewers. <br />The Wor able Program section now has a new head. The <br />review ias been completed, but they are questioning a <br />couple f the items concerning the Building Department's <br />City -Wi e Code Enforcement. They will approve the <br />Workable Program specifying the items to be worked <br />out pri r to mid review date - -a year from now. <br />Mr. Bar )e also said, in talking with the area coordinator, <br />they d,i cussed the 'amendatory on R -57, Rehabilitation <br />Grants. There was a budget problem, which has now been <br />straightened out. <br />8. NEXT MEETING <br />The next Regular Meeting of the Redevelopment Com- NEXT'"-MEETING, <br />mission will be at 10:30 A.M., Friday, October 16, 1970, OCTOBER 16, 1970 <br />in the ffice of the Department of Redevelopment. <br />9. ADJOURNMENT <br />On motion duly made and passed by Mr.. Helmen, the ADJOURNMENT <br />meeting adjourned at 12:20 P.M. <br />(SEAL) <br />elter, xecutive Director Dean J. Wilhe resident <br />-9- <br />