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6. NEW BUSINESS (Cont'd <br />d. Resolution No. 320: This Resolution also relates RESOLUTION .NO. 320 <br />to acquisition of property by condemnation,' a.nd'authori APPROVED, CENTRAL DOWN - <br />zation Nas requested to mail ten (10) day notices of TOWN URBAN :RENEWAL PROJECT, <br />condemnation for Parcel -No. 9 -3, located at 110 West R -66 <br />Washington Street, in the Central Downtown Urban.Re:new:al <br />Project, R -66, subject to Commission Legal Counsel`ap. <br />proval. <br />Mr.Wigg'ns moved for the adoption of Resolution No. 320, <br />subject to Commission Legal Counsel approva.l.. Said motion <br />was sec nded by Mr. Helmen, and unanimously carried. <br />e. Investment in Project Expenditures Account R -66: INVESTMENT IN R -66 <br />Authorization was requested to invest One Million Six AUTHORIZED <br />Hundred Fifty Thousand ($1,650,000.00) Dollars in U.S. <br />Treasurl Bonds for Project Expenditures Account R -66, <br />until D cember 10, 1970, since these are excess funds <br />which are not needed for current operations <br />Mr. Wiggins moved to authorize the investment of <br />$1,650,)00.00 in U.S. Treasury Bonds for P.E.A. R -6:6, <br />until D cember 10, 1970. Motion was seconded by Mr. <br />Chenney and unanimously carried. <br />f. NAHRO Workshop, in San Francisco, California: NAHRO WORKSHOP, <br />- <br />Authori ation was requested for a staff member to attend _ ACT.ION DEFERRED. <br />the NAH 0 Workshop, in San Francisco, California, October <br />25th th ough 30th. President Wilhelm said to attend the <br />Code Wo kshop and the Renewal Workshop would be an expendi- <br />ture of approximately $400 or more possibly. Per Mr..Barbe, <br />the San Francisco conference is the only one being held <br />for this particular subject this year. <br />Action was deferred to the next Commission meeting, <br />held October 16, 1970. <br />g. Reuse Appraisals and Disposition Price,'R "66:, REUSE APPRAISALS AND <br />The parcels involved are: Nos. 4 -1, 4 -3, 4 -65, 5-1, DISPOSITION PRICE,.R -66, <br />8 -1, 8-17, 10 -1 10 -1A and 10 -3. These parcels. are to ACTION, DET=ERRED <br />be sold to public entities. <br />Mr. Ham erschmidt, Commission'Legal Counsel, advised <br />these areas consist of parcels.'acquired from private <br />owners and are for resale for public purposes. All the <br />parcels have not yet been acquired. <br />The abo a subject will Commis- <br />sion me ting for action. <br />7. PROGRESS REPORTS <br />a. Business Relocation: Mr. - Harrison.Miller BUSINESS:RELOCAITION, <br />advised three claims were approved in this Commtssion CENTRAL DOWNTOWN URBAN <br />meeting totalling $8,835.75. Eight firms have moved RENEWAL PROJECT, 9-66 <br />-7- <br />