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4. COMMUNICATIONS (Cont'dl <br />President Wilhelm said Inwood's will have to submit= <br />their plans to the Review Board of the Commission and <br />to the 3uilding Department of South Bend so the build- <br />ing will conform in its entirety with the build ing code. <br />He indicated the Commission does not want to work `a <br />hardship on any one, and if the plans can be worked <br />out to conform, they prefer to do so. <br />c. Jerome J. 'Crowley, Jr., letter dated September <br />30, 197 ): Mr. Ashenfelter read'Mr. Crowley's letter, <br />address id to Mr. Wilhelm, President of the South Bend <br />Redevel pment'Commission. Mr. & Mrs. Crowley are owners <br />of real estate situated on the East side'of the 100 block <br />of Souti Michigan Street and are interested in develop <br />ing thi property on their own. They are asking any <br />action o acquire this property under urban redevelop- <br />ment be deferred, at this time, to give them time to <br />work wi h the proposed development. <br />President Wilhelm suggested Mr. Ashenfelter get in touch <br />with Mr Crowley and determine precisely what >he contem- <br />plates: Bring this information back to the Commission <br />t t k h t <br />JEROME J. CROWLEY, JR., <br />100 BLOCK OF S. MICHIGAN, <br />CENTRAL DOWNTOWN URBAN <br />RENEWAL PROJECT, R -66 <br />0 a e w a ever action is n2cessary. <br />5. OLD BUSINESS - <br />None. <br />6. NEW BUSINESS <br />a, George Cimermancic'Associates: Mr. George LASALLE PARK HOUSING <br />Cimerma cic and Attorney Isadore.Rosenfeld: represented AUTHORIZED,- R -57 <br />the firm, which is a low- income housing developer from <br />Detroit Michigan ( office in South - Bend). They <br />were re uesting purchase approval of bids on 20 to'27 - <br />lots, ir the LaSalle Park Urban Renewal Project, R -57. <br />They su mitted proposals to build 25 single- family units, <br />which will consist of 15 three - bedroom ranches to sell <br />for $18,200 each, and 10 four- bedroom colonials for <br />$21,200 each- -with full basements, brick exterior and <br />complet ly carpeted. The down payment will be $200.00 <br />to qualified buyers, with payments of approximately <br />$100. °0,0 per 'month, on the -235 Pra;grattu which offers a <br />subsidi ed interest rate. The units will be built to <br />better than FHA minimum specifications. The grounds <br />will be completely finish graded and seeded', with paved <br />drive a d parking area,. no garage, and on scattered <br />sites. <br />They al` eady have FHA's approval, the commitment from <br />the bank to start, and are proposing to build ten` <br />houses on a speculative basis. Upon selling these, <br />they will start on another group. <br />-5- <br />