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5. OLO BUSINESS (Cont`d <br />Mr. Wiggins made the motion a contract be <br />prepared for Commission execution, subject to <br />Commission Legal Counsel approval, in confor- <br />mance with the above. Said motion was seconded <br />by Mr. Chenney, and carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Wiggins asked Mr. Zinsmeister how they are <br />coming along with the route on St. Joseph Street <br />and if they foresee any difficulties? Mr. Zins- <br />meister said they are still reviewing the route <br />and are reviewing all aspects of the site. They <br />are also checking traffic studies and outside <br />extremities of the project area. President <br />Wilhelm asked if this would take the normal <br />length of time? Mr. Zinsmeister said he would <br />hesitate to make a guess, as there are so many <br />intangi les tied in this. <br />Mr. Simonds introduced two staff members of his <br />firm who were present: <br />a. Mr. Jeff Rausch, Chief Designer of <br />Malls and Pedestrian Ways. <br />b. Mr. W. U. Kennedy, Planner. <br />Mr. Sim nds said these two men are a part of <br />the staff who will be working here. They will <br />be talking with people and working on preliminary <br />sketches, and it will be at least two months be- <br />fore an public report will be released. They <br />are cur ently collecting data and working with <br />Clyde E Williams & Associates, Inc. <br />6. NEW BUSINESS <br />a. Credit Reports: Authorization was requested <br />to enter into and execute a contract for the pro- <br />vision f credit reports, in the Central Downtown <br />Urban Renewal Project, R -66. Mr. Barbe stated HUD <br />regulations require a credit report on a developer <br />or the wner of property to be rehabilitated to <br />determine their financial capacity to carry out their <br />proposeJ action for disposition of property and also <br />for rehabilitation. We are responsible to determine <br />this before any action is taken. President Wilhelm <br />asked if this would be on individuals or corporation? <br />Mr. Bar )e stated these would be on the corporations <br />and on the principals of the corporation. HUD has <br />negotiated a GSA price with Dun & Bradstreet, Inc. <br />Mr. Wiggins said the thinking and rationale behind <br />this is that we need national organizations, rather <br />-5- <br />DUN & BRADSTREET, INC. <br />CONTRACT AUTHORIZED,' <br />CENTRAL DOWNTOWN URBAN <br />RENEWAL PROJECT, R -66 <br />