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5. aLD BUSINESS <br />a. <br />Executive Director Named: Commission <br />KARL L. EBEL NAMED <br />President <br />Dean J. Wilhelm announced the Commission, <br />EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, <br />at this <br />time, is naming Mr. Karl L. Ebel, Executive <br />EFFECTIVE APRIL 16, <br />Director <br />of the Department of Redevelopment, effective <br />1970 <br />as of <br />April 16, 1970. President Wilhelm stated a <br />number <br />of applicants have applied for the Executive <br />Director's <br />position, which has been advertised. "A <br />few have <br />equaled, but none surpassed Mr. Ebel 's quali- <br />fications." <br />President Wilhelm further stated that <br />"Mr. <br />Ebel has been active'in various planning programs <br />in and <br />out of South Bend for a number of years. He <br />„ <br />has been <br />employed by the Department of Redevelopment <br />as of <br />December 1, 1969, as Associate Director; and was <br />named <br />Acting Director by the Commission, effective <br />March <br />16, 1970. Consequently, Mr. Ebel has an added <br />advantage <br />over the other applicants." <br />President Wilhelm entertained a motion naming Mr. <br />Karl L. Ebel, Executive Director of the South Bend <br />Department of Redevelopment, effective April 16, <br />1970. Said motion was made by Mr. Helmen, supported <br />by Mr. Wiggins, and unanimously carried. <br />6. NEW BUSINESS <br />a. Project land lease requested by Urban <br />League of South Bend and St. Joseph Count', Inc.: <br />The Urban League has requested permission to use <br />some Df the unbuildable land, in the LaSalle Park <br />Project area, for the residents to use for gardening <br />and beautification. Miss Carolyn J. WoolridgeI <br />Associate Director for the Programs, said the use <br />of this land would be a wonderful supplement to <br />their Garden and Beautification Project for the <br />residents in the area. Mr. Ebel recommended that <br />the u buildable land, which is basically muck and <br />well uited for this purpose, be leased for a mini- <br />mal a ount to the Urban League for garden purposes, <br />flowers, etc. This would be to our benefit, as <br />well s to the residents in the project. <br />Motioi was made by Mr. Chenney to lease the un <br />build ble land, in the LaSalle Park Project, to the <br />Urban League of South Bend and St. Joseph County, <br />Inc., for one ($1.00) Dollar for this growing season. <br />Motioi was seconded by Rev. Williams and Unanimously <br />carri d. <br />-5- <br />UNBUILDABLE LAND, IN <br />LASALLE PARK, R -57, <br />LEASED TO URBAN LEAGUE, <br />FOR GARDEN AND BEAUTI- <br />FICATION PROJECT <br />