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s oml <br />prof <br />no <br />it <br />and <br />QUESTION AND ANSWER SESSION (Cont'd) <br />one can come in and get a prior claim to that <br />erty? Can they be sure? Mr. Ebel stated that <br />ne can take prior claim =to that-property,-as <br />hows on the approved plan as a Cultural Center <br />is intended for public re -use. <br />Pre i dent Wilehlm advised that on the scope of the <br />wor of Simonds & Simonds; - Pittsburgh, Pa., their <br />stu y, while specifically to design the mall, will <br />enc mpass the entire area. <br />Mrs Janet S. Allen asked what the Department plans <br />to do with all the empty buildings as they come up? <br />Mr. Ebel said the buildings will be leased, as relo- <br />cation facilities when needed if they are available. <br />If riot, the buildings will be kept in good repair. <br />The neighborhood reaction has been very favorable. <br />President Wilhelm stated the Commission and staff's <br />thi king is that we do not want to vacate anything <br />until we are ready to move in on demolition and <br />building. <br />9. IPARCHMENT RESOLUTION PRESENTED <br />President Wilhelm presented the Resolution commemo- RESOLUTION PRESENTED <br />rating Mr. Donald A. Wiggins, which has been executed TO MR. DONALD A. WIGGINS, <br />on parchment paper, to be framed with Mr. Wiggins': COMMEMORATING PAST SERVICES <br />selection. AND ACHIEVEMENTS <br />President Wilhelm stated Mr. Wiggins has served as <br />President of this Board for so many years, and for <br />so many trying times -- especially in LaSalle Park -- <br />this is a tribulation. The Resolution was passed <br />in the February 6th Commission meeting, honoring <br />Mr. Wiggins' service. President Wilhe +m read and <br />pre ented the Resolution. <br />Mr. Wiggins received the presentation and said: <br />"I must say, in all honesty, it has been the policy- - <br />speaking for myself and my wife as well - -we do not <br />expect an award. We decided a long time ago in our <br />lives, there is more to be served than just to be <br />see ing plaques or awards, and much of what we do <br />in rublic and private life - -and everything we do -- <br />our motivation can only be termed as religious <br />con erns." The only thing one can say is: "Thanks <br />be lo GOD!" <br />Pre ident Wilhelm said: "You have earned it, be- <br />lie a me! Yours was a labor of love! <br />-10- <br />