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the house to George Matthews , who kept it as a General Store , and <br /> residence . Within a year of his arrival , Matthews was elected <br /> Justice of the Peace and appointed the first Post Master of New <br /> Carlisle . Sharing quarters with the Post Office , he , his wife and <br /> his stepson , Schuyler Colfax lived here until the family moved to <br /> South Bend in 1841 where Matthews became County Auditor. 32 <br /> There is some discrepancy as to whether Schuyler Colfax , later to <br /> become Vice-President of the United States under U . S . Grant , <br /> actually lived in this house or in another house in town , since <br /> demolished . The--Mat-t-h-ews- home -continued - its dual role as residence <br /> and -bus-i-nes-s-,including a restaurant in 1924 . In 1959 the structure <br /> was re-established as the town ' s Post Office . 33 More recently , <br /> since the -present owners bought the house , it has been kept solely <br /> . as a residence---- <br /> Another influential family in New Carlisle was the Service <br /> family . Jeremiah Service was born in New York State and moved to <br /> Indiana in 1834 at the age of 22 . 34 He operated a dry goods store <br /> in town , Service and Sons bank , which was a privately owned insti - <br /> tution , and for one term represented the County in the State <br /> Legislature . His home , built in 1870 atop a, small hill on the <br /> a-v <br /> eastern edge of town , is wte-- gw i-car I t a 1 i a n a t e <br /> in New Carlisle . The two - story , brick residence is particularly <br /> noted for its cuppola , topped by a Moorish dome . &G4 -t4i+sr <br /> cuppola are the large , double brackets wade-r tie wide overhanging <br /> eaves the flat roof. The double wood columns and spindle <br /> p �4. <br /> r_ai_Li-n-ij are striking features of the richly decorated porch.---fit' <br /> stretches across the entire front of the house and is topped by <br /> a second story balcony . <br /> 10 <br />