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4. <br />a. HUD letter dated September 17, 1969: . This <br />letter is a confirmation of the telegram, received <br />and discussed at the prior Commission meeting, from <br />DHUD, Washington, D. C., announcing the execution <br />of an k1location Order authorizing the amendment <br />of the existing contract -for the reimbursement of <br />relocation grants from $394,800 to $540,847, in the <br />total Federal Grant for the Industrial Expansion <br />Urban enewal Project, R -56. This is an increase <br />of $145,,047. This will cover replacement housing <br />grants for owner - occupants displaced by Urban Re- <br />newal ip to $5,000, and the rent adjustment payments <br />which ave been increased from $500 to $1,000. <br />Mr. Wi helm asked how many people were involved in <br />this area. Mr. Bellinger apprised that 80% of the <br />Industrial Expansion Project is owner - occupied and <br />approximately 40 families,'or individuals, are eligible <br />for subsidized payments and this will aid many <br />famili s. <br />b HUD letter dated September 12, 1969: Mr. <br />Thomas S. Kilbride, Acting Assistant Regional Admin- <br />istrat r for Renewal Assistance of HUD, in Chicago, <br />appris d "with a sense of pride and gratification <br />that'R gion IV exceeded its share of the total <br />National goals on the production of low- and <br />moderate-income housing units during the Fiscal <br />Year of 1969, and the goal for the Fiscal Year of <br />1970 is set for the rehabilitation of 85 housing <br />units n the LaSalle Park Urban Renewal Area, R -57." <br />Mr. Bellinger apprised that goal has been exceeded <br />in the past and he felt confident the 1970 goal of <br />85-housing units will be met and should even be <br />surpassed. The fiscal year is from Julyl, 1969 <br />through July 1, 1970. <br />5. NEW BUSINESS <br />a Change Order No. 4, Contract "G ", Alley <br />Im rov ents: This Change Order covers materials <br />and workmanship for paving an alley approximately <br />124 feet in length, immediately south of property <br />at-102 South Meade Street, and the cost is an in- <br />crease in contract price of Four Hundred Eighty - <br />One ($1181.00) Dollars, and the contract time is <br />extended seven (7) calendar days. This would <br />accomp ish the paving of an alley approximately <br />124 feet in length and solves a chronic drainage <br />problem. Following heavy rains, water builds up <br />-4- <br />AMENDATORY ALLOCATION <br />FOR LOAN AND GRANT, <br />INDUSTRIAL EXPANSION <br />PROJECT, R -56 <br />1970 HOUSING GOALS <br />CHANGE ORDER NO. 4, <br />CONTRACT "G ", ALLEY <br />IMPROVEMENTS, LASALLE <br />PARK URBAN RENEWAL <br />PROJECT, R -57 <br />