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7. OROGRESS REPORTS (Cont'd <br />work ith. Mr. Barbe stated that there is a.bill <br />befor Congress at the present time for- considera- <br />tion o make uniform relocation procedures for any <br />Feder lly- assisted program. At the present time, <br />they o not have uniform requirements: in Federally <br />assis ed programs. <br />. Budget: Mr. Seybold said that he had <br />been equested to ask for clarification of our <br />budge of $72,000. What is involved here and why <br />is it not included in Redevelopment Department's <br />Feder lly- supported budget? Mr. Barbe stated the <br />quest on represents two separate requests: <br />Presi <br />famil <br />not i <br />the C <br />1) $13,000 request for the planning <br />contract for the.NDP, for which <br />there is no Federal participation. <br />2) The City -Wide Relocation Budget <br />for 1970 must be totally City's <br />money. <br />lent Wiggins stated the budget for relocating <br />es from substandard and condemned dwellings, <br />i Federal projects, must come strictly from <br />ity and not from Federal funds. <br />Mrs. k1len said "Central Relocation" instantly re- <br />minds one of our Downtown area, and suggested it <br />be called " City - Wide ",.or some facsimile, if the <br />Feder 1 Government would permit a change. Central <br />to th public means the Central Downtown units. <br />Her o her suggestion was to call it "City Reloca- <br />tion epartment", in lieu of the present "Central <br />Reloc tion." President Wiggins said they will <br />look into it as far as the name is concerned. <br />The q estion was raised if there will be 175 fami- <br />lies involved in relocation. Mr. Barbe stated the <br />175 i estimated = -may be lower or higher. Mr. <br />O'Bri n said the volume.of referrals are about 30 <br />perm nth and are referred by the Welfare Depart- <br />ment, Substandard Department, Portage Township <br />Trust e. etc. <br />Mr. S ybold asked: "Why does this come under the <br />Redev lopment Department and is not a separate <br />unit f the City Government? Mr. Barbe said, at <br />the p esent time, the Mayor has designated our <br />Reloc tion Office as the city -wide relocation <br />agent. At some time in the future, the City may <br />-7- <br />BUDGET, 1970 <br />