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7. PROGRESS REPORTS <br />. Relocation: Mr. John O'Brien stated he <br />is working with 15 families since the 1st of August <br />andseven families have been successfully relocated. <br />Of the seven, three elderly moved into the LaSalle <br />Park Homes supplement program - -one under Lease 23, <br />three into project homes. He stated that hopefully <br />the f rst of the week another three families can be <br />moved <br />Mr. B rbe stated that Mr. O'Brien deserves credit <br />for w at he has accomplished against staggering <br />odds. <br />President Wiggins asked if Mr. O'Brien felt some <br />gains had been made in terms of these people's <br />awareness of what the community and neighbors expect <br />of them, any change of understanding and attitudes? <br />Mr. O'Brien stated with all appropriate agencies <br />broug t to bear in a number of these cases and on <br />an on going basis, he could see some changes, but <br />it wi 1 take time and a lot of work on the part of <br />exist ng agencies. <br />A dis ussion followed on substandard and condemned <br />homes whereby the landlord continues renting and <br />leasing prior to the house being demolished, with <br />no water or electricity. There is a time lag from <br />initiating court procedures and when actual demoli- <br />tion lakes place and the landlords may not be above <br />colle ting rent. President Wiggins stated, in the <br />last egislature, some proposals were made to at <br />least straighten this problem. As it is, there <br />is a ap in applying responsibility as to who will <br />allow these things to continue. Mrs. Allen sug- <br />geste there should be some change. When a con- <br />demnec property is "red tagged it should be <br />illegal to collect rent. <br />Mrs, illen inquired with respect to city -wide <br />relocation that when the people are displaced due <br />to condemnation, is there Federal money available <br />to gi a these people subsidies as others? Presi- <br />dent Wiggins stated that the answer was unfortunately <br />"No." For example, in the Neighborhood Development <br />Program, or Code Enforcement Program, an area is <br />designated for Federal assistance and the families <br />are t en eligible for relocation assistance, but, <br />witho t these tools, it is real rugged and our <br />John 'Brien, at this point, is faced with little <br />or no hing to work with. With the Neighborhood <br />Devel pment Program, we would have some "toos" to <br />10 <br />RELOCATION <br />