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ft _wk <br />Project ExpeOditures Account R-29 <br />Rieth-Riley qonstruction Co., Inc. <br />4. <br />Total <br />GRAND TOTAL <br />a. HUD Itr of Nov 14, 1967, relative to Part I Amenda- <br />tory Loan and Grant Application, Chapin St. Project,- <br />R-29. Additional information is requested and will <br />be presented to HUD on Friday-, Dee 8, 1967. <br />b. E. R. Knapp & Sons ltr of Nov 16, 1967, requests <br />reconsideration for Site Improvements Contract "B" <br />LaSalle Park, R-S7, which covers the pavement work. <br />Since the contractorsiere represented today, a dis- <br />cussion period pursued. There appeared to be a <br />lack of communication between-E. R. Knapp & Sons, <br />the Engineer - Chas. W. Cole & Son, and the Redevel- <br />opment Department, because in reviewing letters, <br />the contractor expressed disappointment and stated <br />he was never officially notified that he was not in <br />the ranning. %Mr. Wiggins graciously apologized-to <br />the eDntractor for the communications breakdown, <br />but aLso listed reasons for E. R. Knapp's ineligi- <br />bility. Mr. Knapp stated he had anticipated a <br />joint venture with Woodruff and Sons for this work. <br />Howev?r Mr. Knapp was advised that the Commission <br />consilered the most qualified bidder for each of the <br />4 sit 2 improvements contracts separately. The Com- <br />missi)n recommended awarding contracts only after <br />consuLting with the engineer, and following a thor- <br />ough review of the engineer's investigation. A <br />legal opinion substantiated that a contractor must <br />perform at least 700/6 of the work with his own work <br />force. 'These considerations lead to awarding of <br />Contract "B" to Reith-Riley Construction Co., sub- <br />ject �o Chicago HUD approval, which subsequently was <br />rece i ed on November 13, 1967. <br />c. <br />Clyde Wms. & Assoc. ltr of Nov 17, 1967 to Reith- <br />Riley Constr. Co., with copy to Mr. Bellinger, <br />stating that a portion of the new pavement, consist- <br />ing of about 751, must be replaced in connection <br />with the Chapin.Street Site Improvements Contraft, <br />R-29. The pavement was damaged by adverse weather <br />conditions that exi s te d the day this portion of <br />pavement was laid. the contractor was aware of <br />these weather conditions, therefore knew he was <br />takin4 a calculated risk the day this pavement was <br />laid.1 <br />-4- <br />$ 63,272.00 <br />37,359.67 <br />$100,631.67 <br />$290,117.89 <br />