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IV. <br />ROGRESS REPORT - Continued <br />area cf 70' x 80' to the rear of the original area of <br />80' x 170' on which they bid inasmuch as this odd depth <br />might pose a problem later. Since the Model Coverall <br />Service feels they do not need the extra land, the Com- <br />missi n referred the problem to the Land Disposition <br />Commi tee with the understanding that action be taken <br />as so n as possible. <br />Upon motion made by Mr. Place, seconded by Mr. Koczan <br />and unanimously carried, the Commission approved the <br />leasi g of 80000square feet of land to the Studebaker <br />Corpo ation for $100 a month on a 30 -day renewable <br />lease basis. This land is to be used by Studebaker <br />Corporation for parking purposes after being put into <br />suits le condition at the Corporation expense. Mr. Baer <br />suggested that a provision be made in the lease that the <br />Stude aker Corp. carry a policy protecting the Redevelop- <br />ment Commission against liability claims. <br />Mr. Sucher reported that in compliance with the Com- <br />mission's instructions, he received informal bids on <br />painting the office from the following three sources: <br />(1) 1. W. Lower - $1,007.00, (2) Trojans Painting & <br />Decorating - $620.00, (3) Roy W. Jensen - $540.00. <br />The Commission, on motion made by Mr. Koczan, seconded <br />by Mr. Place and unanimously carried, recommended that <br />the low bid of Mr. Roy W. Jensen be accepted providing <br />the quality of paint to be used is O'Brien paint or <br />comps able quality. <br />On motion made by Mr. Place, seconded by Mr. Koczan and <br />unanimously carried, an Indemnity Agreement with the <br />Union Title Company regarding parcel 9 -2 was approved <br />and the president was authorized to sign it. <br />Mr. Beer reported on a meeting he had with Mr. Haddad, <br />President, and Mr. Lynch, Field Supervisor of the <br />Interstate Demolition Corporation, Mr. Spoonhour of URA, <br />Mr. Sucher and Mr. Bellinger of the Redevelopment Depart- <br />ment. <br />CEO <br />THE <br />STUDEBAKER <br />CORPORATION <br />BIDS ON <br />OFFICE <br />PAINTING <br />INDEMNITY <br />AGREEMENT <br />MEETING <br />WITH <br />INTERSTATE - <br />DEMOLITION <br />CORP. <br />