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IV. <br />On m( <br />and i <br />rentz <br />and t <br />Coll( <br />PROGRESS REPORT (Continued) <br />tion made by Mr, Williams, seconded by Mr. Helmen <br />nanimously carried, it was resolved that the above <br />1 delinquencies be written off as uncollectible <br />hat no litigation should be instituted for the <br />ction of said rentals. <br />Upon motion made by Mr. Koczan, seconded by Mr. Williams DELINQUENT <br />and Unanimously carried, the Commission authorized LPA RENT <br />Counsel to file suit against Emell Taylor, Parcel 1 -3, <br />for back rent in the amount of $355.41 and, if necess- <br />ary, to enforce collection by garnishment. <br />On m <br />tion made by Mr. Helmen, <br />seconded by Mr. Koczan, <br />NOTICES <br />and 4nanimously <br />carried, the <br />Commission authorized <br />TO <br />evic <br />ion proceedings against <br />Ignacio Rosario, Parcel <br />VACATE <br />2 -16 who owes $185, as of 12/31/61, in delinquent <br />rent, and against Mrs, Zeda Johnson, Parcel 2 -30, who <br />owes $472.60 as of 12/31/61. <br />Mr. ielicki reported a current workload of 14 families. RELOCATION <br />210 amilies were relocated into standard housing; 3 WORKLOAD <br />fami ies moved into substandard housing. <br />The Commission, on motion made by Mr. Koczan, seconded ACQUISITION <br />by M <br />. Place and unanimously carried, approved the sub- <br />APPROVAL - <br />mitt <br />1 to HHFA of a revised Form #k6144 covering Parcel <br />PARCEL 4 -12 <br />No. <br />-12. <br />Mr. Mort <br />Linder and Mr. Tom Pettit of Linder - Kelleher <br />LAND <br />Company <br />reported to the Commission on the preparation <br />DISPOSITION <br />of a <br />promotional brochure for sale of the Sample Street <br />BROCHURE <br />Project <br />land. Mr. Louis appointed a special committee <br />composed <br />of Mr. Helmen, Mr. Place and Mr. Williams to <br />work <br />up details on the land disposition brochure. <br />Mr, Sucher <br />reported that the South Bend Redevelopment <br />TRUSTEES' <br />Board <br />of Trustees reappointed the current five Com- <br />APPOINTMENT <br />miss'oners <br />for 1962 and elected Mr. J. J. Kohen as <br />President, <br />Mr. A. J. Kromkowski, Vice President and <br />Mrs. <br />G. B. Curtis, Secretary. <br />Meeting <br />adjourned 11240 a.m. <br />r <br />Ad <br />J e <br />G. i, President lmen, Secretary <br />