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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Rescheduled Regular Meeting -November 2, 2007 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS <br />A. Public Hearing <br />(8) continued... <br />know the details of the law related to that. <br />Mr. Blake reiterated that this whole project is <br />a vision. It's easy to criticize somebody <br />else's vision. But he didn't hear anybody <br />with another one. If there are other visions <br />that we want for the whole City of South <br />Bend or for this particular area, then state <br />them. He believes we should critically <br />consider whatever is going to affect people. <br />But at the same time we've got to have some <br />kind of vision or there will be no progress, no <br />direction, nothing happens, and then we <br />complain about that. This is a vision. The <br />city is supposed to create the vision. The <br />participation is good. We want it. The <br />presentation of the vision gives us a starting <br />place for talking about what could happen in <br />this area. <br />Mr. Blake noted that people mentioned that <br />their heart and soul is in the investment they <br />have made in this area. As a Commissioner <br />he does not want to micromanage projects. <br />Others do want to micromanage. People <br />asked that the city not play games with them. <br />The city better not be acting with other than <br />pure motives. People's hearts and souls are <br />in this. Every citizen in the city is involved in <br />this. <br />Ms. Jones stated that that is why we hire a <br />consultant. Let's wait for the report from the <br />consultant, then get together again and tear it <br />apart, and put it back together the way we <br />think it should be. But we do have to start <br />59 <br />