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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Rescheduled Regular Meeting -November 2, 2007 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS <br />A. Public Hearing <br />(1) continued... <br />Commons and other initiatives in the <br />Northeast Neighborhood at a cost of over <br />$llM, with significant expenditures to come. <br />We have straightened Angela Boulevard and <br />Edison Road at a cost of $4M. We are now <br />working on a town commons, a welcoming <br />entryway to our campus that will be available <br />to everyone, just south of the DeBartolo <br />Performing Arts Center and across Edison <br />Road from the Eddy Street Commons. That <br />will cost $3M and should be ready to be <br />dedicated next summer. Notre Dame has <br />been here for 165 years and, God willing, <br />will be here for another 165 years at least. So <br />will the Northeast Neighborhood for another <br />165 years-that makes us long term partners. <br />We know that our future intertwines with the <br />success of this area. We hope this will be the <br />start of a new lease of life on that area and <br />we hope you will see fit to support it. <br />MAYOR STEPHEN LUECKE, Mayor, City <br />of South Bend, 227 W. Jefferson, South <br />Bend. I will speak briefly. I echo the <br />comments made by Mr. Roberts and Mr. <br />Graves. This is an extraordinary project, an <br />extraordinary opportunity for this <br />community, for the Northeast Neighborhood, <br />and for the university. It has really been a <br />great example of collaboration among so <br />many different partners, and in particular, <br />input from neighbors as we move forward <br />with this. I just want to point out briefly, I <br />believe the city's role in the development is <br />providing infrastructure that encourages the <br />private sector. The infrastructure being <br />16 <br />