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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Rescheduled Regular Meeting -November 2, 2007 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS <br />A. Public Hearing <br />(1) continued... <br />Neighborhood Council began working on <br />ways to restore the vibrancy of this area <br />when South Bend was at its peak as a <br />manufacturing center. This request for <br />financing to allow the development of Eddy <br />Street Commons and redevelopment of the <br />Triangle residential area is a culmination of <br />the neighborhood council's efforts and those <br />of its many allies. Notre Dame has not <br />always been engaged in the affairs of South <br />Bend as it is on this project, but as we have <br />grown as a university our path has become <br />increasingly intertwined with that of our <br />community. Under our last president, Father <br />Edward "Monk" Malloy, that attitude <br />changed. Notre Dame's commitment to being <br />both a good neighbor and a good partner has <br />continued and been reinforced under our <br />current president, Father John Jenkins. Quite <br />simply, if South Bend does not thrive, Notre <br />Dame cannot achieve its ambition of being <br />one of the leading universities in the country <br />and in the world. It was with this in mind that <br />we joined with the city and several other <br />institutions in the year 2000 to create the <br />Northeast Neighborhood Revitalization <br />Organization. Since then, the NNRO has <br />worked hand in hand with the Northeast <br />Neighborhood Council on a plan to revitalize <br />this area. This proposal before you is <br />essential to bringing these efforts to fruition. <br />The TIF will finance two elements vital to <br />this neighborhood. As you have heard <br />already, the first is infrastructure for the <br />Eddy Street Commons -the parking garage, <br />reconfiguration of existing streets, <br />14 <br />