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(5) The enclosure shall be inspected and approved by the City of South Bend Division of <br /> • -• . . - . Division of Animal Welfare prior to its usage for confinement. <br /> (8) The animal must also be identifiable via a microchip implanted in to the skin of the <br /> animal,and such microchip number must be provided to the • ••••. . - . • . <br /> Control Division of Animal Welfare. <br /> (f) <br /> (3) If the animal in question dies, or is sold or transferred, the owner/guardian shall notify <br /> the City of South Bend . • -•- . . - . . . Division of Animal Welfare <br /> of the changed condition and new location of the animal in writing within two(2)business <br /> days. <br /> (4) Any violation of the above provisions and/or restrictions placed on the owner/guardian <br /> by the Animal Control Commission Animal Welfare Commission will result in <br /> immediate impoundment of the animal, fines to be issued in accordance with Section 5- <br /> 106 of this chapter, and ownership rights in the animal be immediately waived. The City <br /> of South Bend Animal Care and Control Animal Resource Center may also seek <br /> injunctive relief in a court of law against the owner/guardian and seek prohibition of <br /> ownership of animals for a time period deemed necessary by the court. <br /> (5) An owner/guardian may submit one (1) request for reconsideration per year to the <br /> • -•• . . -- :- Animal Welfare Commission to have the designation of <br /> potentially dangerous or vicious removed from his or her animal. <br /> b. The application must be filed with the City of South Bend Division of Animal Care <br /> and-Central Division of Animal Welfare. <br /> d. The • •"•• . • • •. : • Animal Welfare Commission has the authority to <br /> hear evidence, both pro and con, as to whether and why the designation should or <br /> should not be removed. <br /> f. The • -'--. - -- : - Animal Welfare Commission may make a decision <br /> to remove or not to remove such designation. <br /> Sec. 5-39. Biting animals; report; procedure. 1311 <br /> (a) The Oowner or harborer of any animal which has bitten a person or another animal must <br /> report the incident to the St. Joseph County Health Department and the Divisien-ef-Animal <br /> Care and Control Division of Animal Welfare and immediately make the animal available for <br /> quarantine. Upon receiving the report of a bite, ` -.. . .. - - . • -•- . . - •. . - : the <br /> Division of Animal Welfare will quarantine the animal for ten (10) days with the place of <br /> confinement to be in the discretion of the • ••• • : Division of Animal <br /> Welfare. During the quarantine period, the animal is to be securely confined and kept from <br /> contact with any other animal or person. <br /> (b) During the quarantine period,the owner must provide a current rabies vaccination certificate <br /> for his or her cat or dog that is being quarantined. If proof of vaccination cannot be supplied, <br /> the animal will be vaccinated by a veterinarian at the owner's expense before after release,and <br /> the owner must provide the • -'-- . • •- : - Animal Welfare Commission with <br /> name,address and phone number of the veterinarian performing the rabies vaccination,which <br /> will be verified before the animal can be released to the owner. 32 U <br /> (1) If the animal is quarantined at the shelter Animal Resource Center,a microchip shall be <br /> implanted in it prior to its release from quarantine. The animal shall be registered for its <br /> life with the . • -••• . • • . . Division of Animal Welfare. The cost <br /> of the implant shall be at the owner's expense before release. <br /> (2) If the animal is quarantined in a place other than the shelter Animal Resource Center, <br /> as determined by the `" . : • • • . . • : Division of Animal Welfare, <br /> a microchip shall be implanted in it within thirty(30) days following the animal's release <br /> from quarantine. The animal shall be registered for its life with the <br /> Care and Control Division of Animal Welfare. The cost of the implant and registry shall <br /> be at the owner's expense. <br /> (c) No person other than an Animal Control Ofcer Animal Welfare Officer or veterinarian <br /> shall euthanize or cause to be euthanized any animal suspected of being rabid except in cases <br /> 5 <br />