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(d) With the exception of the SBACC SBARC, the finder will be considered the found animal's <br /> owner for the purposes of this chapter only after the animal is in the finder's custody for fifteen <br /> (15) continuous days and has been presented for microchip scanning. <br /> Sec. 5-38. Potentially dangerous animals. <br /> (a) If an animal control officer Animal Welfare Officer or a law enforcement officer has <br /> investigated and determined that there exists probable cause to believe that an animal is <br /> potentially dangerous or vicious,the - - - • . - _. . - : : • -•- . . - . : <br /> (SBACC)Animal Resource Center Manager of SBARC shall request a hearing by the Animal <br /> ControlGe mission Animal Welfare Commission for the purpose of determining whether or <br /> not the animal in question should be declared potentially dangerous or vicious. <br /> (1) Whenever possible, any complaint received from a member of the public which serves <br /> as the evidentiary basis for finding probable cause shall be sworn to and verified by the <br /> complainant and shall be provided to the • -- . . -- : - Animal Welfare <br /> Commission. <br /> (2) The hearing will be held within ten(10)calendar days at a special meeting of the Animal <br /> Animal Welfare Commission and shall be open to the public. 29 U <br /> (4) The _ • - - • • . - _. . - . • ••• . . - . • . _ : • Animal <br /> Resource Center Manager of SBARC shall notify the owner/guardian of the animal of the <br /> date and time of such hearing, at which time he or she may present evidence as to why <br /> the animal should not be declared potentially dangerous or vicious. <br /> (5) The • -•- . - -- : - Animal Welfare Commission may consider all <br /> relevant evidence, including incident reports, affidavits of witnesses,photographs and/or <br /> video media, and whether the incident reasonably indicates whether or not the animal in <br /> question is potentially dangerous and/or vicious in ordinary circumstances where the <br /> average person could not reasonably be expected to foresee and take measures to prevent <br /> injury. <br /> (6) If the owner/guardian of the animal fails to appear at the hearing, the Animal-Control <br /> Commission Animal Welfare Commission may find the owner/guardian in default, and <br /> all ownership rights of the animals shall be assumed waived. <br /> (7) <br /> b. An animal determined to be vicious shall be euthanized by the <br /> . • -•- . . - . . South Bend Division of Animal Welfare when it is found <br /> by the • -•--. . . . .. .- Animal Welfare Commission that the release of <br /> the animal would create a significant threat to the public health, safety, and welfare. <br /> c. If it is determined that an animal found to be vicious shall not be euthanized, the <br /> • -- . • -• : - Animal Welfare Commission may impose reasonable <br /> conditions upon the ownership of the animal that protect the public health,safety and <br /> welfare, which are consistent with the chapter. <br /> d. Decisions of the • • . • •• : - Animal Welfare Commission are <br /> subject to appeal to the Circuit Court of St. Joseph County. The Owner/Guardian of <br /> the animal(s)must do so within ten(10) calendar days, or they will waive their right <br /> to the appeal, and all decisions will be considered final. The Owner/Guardian must <br /> also notify the • •'--. . - -- : • Animal Welfare Commission of their <br /> decision to appeal in writing, which will then be forwarded to the Law Department <br /> for the City of South Bend. <br /> (b) If,upon investigation,it is determined by the animal ntrel officer Animal Welfare Officer <br /> or law enforcement officer that probable cause exists to believe the animal in question poses <br /> an immediate threat to public safety, then the Animal Welfare Officer <br /> or law enforcement officer may seize and impound the animal pending the hearing to be held <br /> pursuant to this section. The owner/guardian of the animal shall be liable to the City of South <br /> Bend . . • -•- . . - . . : Division of Animal Welfare where the dog is <br /> impounded for the costs and expenses of keeping the animal, if the animal is later declared <br /> potentially dangerous or vicious. 30 U <br /> (d) <br /> 4 <br />