<br /> Councilmember Sharon L. McBride stated, Now, Therefore, be it resolved, by the Common
<br /> Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana, as follows: Section One(I)The South Bend Common
<br /> Council proudly honors and thanks the 2018-2019 Notre Dame Women's Basketball team for its
<br /> positive contributions to the South Bend Community. Section Two(II)The Common Council also
<br /> proudly recognizes the valuable contributions made by Coach Muffet McGraw to the betterment
<br /> of society at large. Section Three (III) The Common Council wishes continued success to those
<br /> team members who will not be returning to the South Bend area next year. Section Four(IV) The
<br /> Common Council anxiously awaits the continued success of those team members who will return
<br /> to the South Bend area next year. Section Five(V)This Resolution shall be in full force and effect
<br /> from after its adoption by the Common Council and approval by the Mayor.
<br /> Muffet McGraw, Head Coach for the University of Notre Dame Women's Basketball Team with
<br /> offices located at C112 Joyce Center, Notre Dame, IN, stated, No pressure on that last one (1),
<br /> huh? I am so proud to be a part of this community. I love South Bend, but we have some issues. I
<br /> think South Bend is not immune to the problems that every city across the country is facing. Racial
<br /> inequality, gender inequality,homophobia,we are a nation divided. I wonder, sometimes,how we
<br /> got here. When did we stop listening to each other? When did we stop having open and honest
<br /> debate? Without public discourse, how will we ever solve our problems? I'm so happy to see so
<br /> many people here, today, who are willing to stand up, use their voice, and fight for what we need
<br /> in this community. But, it is not a black issue. It is not a black versus white issue. It is not a blue
<br /> versus black issue. This is an issue that we all face. It is our problem. If we share in the problem,
<br /> we have a much better chance in sharing in the solution. But, it is going to take time and effort. It
<br /> is a Herculean task,to be honest. But, I would love to see South Bend to be that city that everyone
<br /> in the country can point to, across the country and say, "This is how people live in community.
<br /> This is what community is all about. This is how you solve your problems." We can't wait for
<br /> people in Washington to step in and fix things. They don't want to fix things. They just want to
<br /> tell us who is to blame for it. We've got to stand up and we've got to stand together, and we can
<br /> do it. We can be that city, but we've got to come together. We've got to start listening to each
<br /> other. Thank you.
<br /> Laura O'Sullivan, Chief of Staff to the Mayor of the City of South Bend with offices located on
<br /> the 14th floor of the County-City Building, South Bend, IN, stated, We have a short video to show
<br /> (which is available in the City Clerk's Office). She then provided Muffet McGraw with the Key
<br /> to the City, on behalf of Mayor Pete Buttigieg.
<br /> Council President Tim Scott turned the floor back to the Council for comments.
<br /> Councilmember Regina Williams-Preston stated, Congratulations ladies, athletes, coaches and
<br /> Muffet McGraw. We kind of got a little tutorial tonight, didn't we? A nice example of how you
<br /> use your platform to push forward issues of social justice. I want to thank you for that. Not just
<br /> today, but every day. But yet, especially today. We are able to pause for a moment and recognize
<br /> what is in the room. It is great to see it in action because we see it tonight and we know, as has
<br /> been said, that all these ladies had the privilege to experience that. Not just your tutorial in terms
<br /> of athletics and those skills, but clearly the moral and social issues. So, thank you again.
<br /> Congratulations, ladies.You are forever in the history books of South Bend and we welcome you.
<br /> Thanks.
<br /> Councilmember Jo M. Broden stated, Thank you, and I am going to be brief. I am actually
<br /> overcome with emotion from those very pointed remarks. Thank you. And ladies, thank you for
<br /> all you do on and off the court. It means, I'm sure, so much to you and your families. Your
<br /> performance honors the life work of your coaches who care about your development, not just as
<br /> players, but as women. Thank you.
<br /> Councilmember Jake Teshka stated, Thank you, ladies, for your achievements. Those are, as
<br /> Councilmember Broden pointed out, achievements on and off the court. It's one(1)thing to be an
<br /> athlete. It's another thing to be a student-athlete. It's another thing to be a student-athlete at Notre
<br /> Dame. You all do it and pull it off just fabulously. All the while, being an example for our
<br /> community and not just the young women in our community but our community as a whole.We've
<br /> seen it time and time again in our country how sports can bring us together. Coach McGraw,thank
<br /> you for your remarks. You've proven tonight that you do not have to be one (1) of Coach
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