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ATC's General Terms and Conditions <br />results. At no tittle does ATC assume title to any samples, all <br />samples shall remain the property of the Client. <br />All laboratory and field equipment contaminated during ATC's <br />Services which cannot readily and adequately cleansed of its <br />hwardous contaminants shall become the property and <br />responsibility of the Client. The Client shall purchase all such <br />equipment as an expense of the Services, and it shall be turned over to <br />the Client for proper disposal unless otherwise specified in the <br />Contract Document. <br />11. ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 11' <br />the Services provided in the Contract Document only require <br />construction materials testing, engineering and /or construction <br />subsurface exploration, ATC assumes that there are no haz,,ardous <br />substances or constituents in the soils or groundwater underlying <br />the site. ATC's duties and responsibilities are limited to peribrning <br />tests and monitoring of specific construction activities as outlined in <br />the Contract Document. <br />Unless otherwise specified in the Contract Document, any <br />consulting, testing or monitoring related to environmental <br />conditions, including, but not limited to hazardous waste, soil or <br />groundwater contamination, or air pollutants are not part of ATC's <br />engineering and construction Services. If' it becomes apparent <br />during 81e field exploration that hazardous substances or <br />constituents play be present, field operations will be tenninaled. <br />12. OPINIONS OF COSTS ATC will provide estimates of costs <br />I'm rentediation or construction as appropriate based on available <br />data, designs, or recommendations. However, these opinions are <br />intended primarily to provide iniornlation on the range of costs and <br />are not intended for use in 1-11111 budgeting or negotiation unless <br />specifically agreed to in writing by ATC. <br />13. SAFETY ATC shall not, unless otherwise specified in the <br />Contract Document, be responsible for health and safety procedures, <br />construction means, methods, techniques, sequences, or procedures, <br />nor be responsible for tile acts or omissions of contractors or other <br />parties on the site. <br />14. UTILITIES Unless otherwise specified in the Contract <br />Document, it is Client's responsibility to mark or furnish the <br />locations of all underground man -made obstructions. Client shall <br />indemnify, defend and hold harmless ATC front and against any <br />claims, losses or damages incurred or asserted against ATC related <br />to Client's failure to mark, protect or advise ATC of underground <br />structures or utilities. <br />15. ROOF CUTS Unless otherwise specified in the Contract <br />Document, if roof cuts /samples are required by the Services in the <br />Contract Document, it is the responsibility ofthe Client to make the <br />appropriate repairs to these roof cuts. 11' a roofing contractor or <br />maintenance personnel selected by Client is not oil the roof to slake <br />repairs at the time samples are obtained, ATC may make temporary <br />repairs, which may result in additional charges. ATC personnel are <br />not certified in roofing repair therefore ATC under no <br />circumstances shall be responsible ror any water damage to the <br />roofing system, building, or its contents resulting front ATC's <br />temporary repairs. <br />16. HAZARDOUS CONDITIONS OR SUBSTANCES The <br />client acknowledges that ATC has neither created nor contributed to <br />w <br />2002 <br />the creation or existence of any hazardous, radioactive, toxic, <br />irritant, pollutant, substance or constituent, or otherwise dangerous <br />conditions at the site. All site generated hazardous and non- <br />hazardous waste, including but not limited to samples, drilling fluids, <br />decontamination fluids, development fluids, soil cuttings, and used <br />disposable protective gear and equipment, are the property of the <br />Client. <br />17. RIGHT TO STOP WORK If, during the performance of <br />Services, any unforeseen hazardous substance, material, element, <br />constituent, condition, or occurrence is encountered which, in <br />ATC's reasonable judgment significantly affects or may affect the <br />Services, the risk involved in providing the Services, or the <br />recommended scope of Services, ATC: may immediately suspend <br />work. <br />18. INDEMNIFICATION ATC shall indemnify and hold harmless <br />Client, its employees, otlicers, directors, subsidiaries, and agents <br />against claims, demands, and lawsuits, including reasonable <br />attorney's fees to the extent arising out of or caused by the <br />negligence or willful misconduct of ATC or its subcontractors in <br />connection with all activities conducted in the performance of <br />Services under this Agreement. The client shall indemnify and hold <br />harmless ATC its employees, officers, directors, subsidiaries, and <br />agents from and against claims, demands, and lawsuits, including <br />reasonable attorney's fees, to the extent arising out of or caused by <br />the negligence: or willful misconduct of the Client or other <br />contractors retained by Client in connection with all activities <br />conducted in the perl'ornlance of Services under this Agreement. <br />19. LIMIT OF LIABILITY ATC's total liability far the Services <br />shall not exceed the proceeds fiā€¢orn insurance or two tinges ATVs <br />I'm I'or Services whichever is less. Client agrees that all <br />indemnifications granted to ATC sllall also be extended to those <br />Subcontractors, individuals, or organizations retained by ATC for <br />perlornlance of the Services. <br />20. CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES In no event shall either <br />party be liable to the other party for any consequcntiaf, incistenlal, <br />punitive, or indirect damages including but not limited to loss of <br />income, loss of prof its, loss or restriction of use of property, or any <br />other business losses regardless if such damages arc caused by <br />breach of contract, negligent act or omission, other wrongful act, or <br />whether ATC shall be advised, shall have other reason to know, or <br />in fact shall know of the possibility of such damages. <br />21. CLIENT INDEMNITY Client waives to the maximum extent <br />permitted by law, its rights and agrees to indemnify and hold <br />harmless, A'rC its employees, officers, directors, subsidiaries, and <br />agents against any and all claims for injury or loss sustained by any <br />party, including the United States, from such exposures or front the <br />presence orally such hazardous substance:, constituent, or condition <br />at the site. <br />Client Further agrees to pay on ATC's behalf any judgment <br />resulting against ATC, including any interest from and against any <br />and all claims and liabilities in connection with toxic or hazardous <br />substances or constituents. This indemnity includes but is not <br />limited to the following: <br />a) ATC acting as Client's agent, when required or requested as part <br />of the Contract Document to sign any Ita'Lar'CIOUS waste manifest or <br />other document related in any way to the identification, handling, <br />3of4 <br />