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ATC CLIENT <br />GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS <br />1, PAYMENT Client will pay ATC for Services and expenses <br />in accordance with the Contract Document. ATC will submit <br />invoices to Client monthly together with reasonable supporting <br />documentation requested by Client and it final bill upon completion <br />of its Services. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, there shall be no <br />retainage. Payment is due within thirty (30) days regardless of <br />whether Client has been reimbursed by any other party. Past due <br />amounts are subject to an interest charge on the outstanding balance <br />of tither one and one-half percent (1'h %) per month or the <br />maximum rate permitted by law. Client agrees to pay ATC's <br />attorney's fees, interest, and all other costs incurred in collecting <br />past due amounts. <br />2. OBLIGATIONS OF CLIENT Client warrants that all <br />information provided to ATC is complete and accurate to the best of <br />Client's knowledge. Client agrees to advise ATC, prior to beginning <br />work, and during the work, of any hazardous conditions on or near <br />the site known to Client. Client understands that ATC is relying <br />upon the completeness and accuracy of information supplied to it by <br />Client and ATC will not independently verify such information unless <br />otherwisc provide in the Contract Document. Client shall be solely <br />responsible for and shall indemnify and hold harmless ATC for any <br />costs, expenses or damages incurred by ATC due to Client's failure <br />to follow applicable reporting and governmental requirements. <br />Client will not hold ATC liable if ATC's recommendations are not <br />followed and waives any claim against ATC, and agrees to defend, <br />indemnify and hold ATC harmless from any claim or liability for <br />injury or loss that results from failure to implement ATC's <br />recommnendntions. <br />3. STANDARD OF CARE ATC's Services as defined by the <br />Contract Document shall be performed in accordance with <br />generally accepted industry principles and practices, consistent Nvilh <br />it level of care and skill ordinarily practiced by the consulting <br />profession currently providing similar services under similar <br />circumstances at the time the Services %vere provided. Client agrees <br />to give ATC written notice within one (1) year of any breach or <br />default under this section and to provide ATC it reasonable <br />Opportunity to cure such breach or default, without the payment of <br />additional ices to ATC, as it condition precedent to any claim for <br />damages. <br />4. LIMITATIONS OF METHOD RELIABILITY The Client <br />recognizes and agrees that all testing and remediation methods have <br />reliability limitations, no method nor number of sampling locations <br />can guarantee that a condition will be discovered within the <br />performance of the Services as authorized by the Client. The Client <br />further acknowledges and agrees that reliability of testing or <br />remediation methods varies according to the sampling G•equency <br />and other variables and that these !actors including cost, have been <br />considered in file Client's selection of Services. ATC's <br />observations only represent conditions observed at (Ile time of (Ile <br />site visit. ATC is not responsible for changes that may occur to the <br />site after ATC completes the work. <br />5. INTERPRETATION OF DATA Client recognizes that <br />subsurface conditions may vary from those encountered at the <br />locations where the borings, surveys, or explorations are made by <br />ATC and that the data interpretations and recommendations of <br />ATC's personnel are based solely on the information available to <br />' V x <br />12. <br />� <br />them. ATC will be responsible for its data, interpretations, and <br />recommendations, but shall not be responsible lo• the interpretation <br />by others or the information developed. <br />6. THIRD PARTY INFORMATION ATC is dependent on <br />information available from various governmental agencies and <br />private database firms to aid in evaluating the History of the site. <br />ATC shall not be liable for any such agency's or database firm's <br />failure to make relevant tiles or documents properly available, to <br />properly index tiles, or otherwise to fnil to maintain or produce <br />accurate or complete records. <br />7. SITE ACCESS Client grants or shall obtain for ATC a right <br />of entry to all parts of the proicct site necessary to complete the <br />Services and it represents that it leas obtained the applicable permits <br />and licenses for the proposed work. if Client does not own (lie site, <br />Client represents that it has or will obtain prior to the <br />commencement of work, the authority and permission of the owner <br />and /or the occupant of the site. Client acknowledges that due to the <br />nature of the work, unavoidable damage may occur. Client waives its <br />right of recovery for such unavoidable damage, and if Client is not <br />the owner of' the site, Client agrees to indemnify and defend ATC <br />against any claims by the owner and /or occupant for any such <br />damage. <br />Unless otherwise specified in the Contract Document, ATC is not <br />liable for damages caused by exploratory demolition or <br />investigation to identify, quantify, or evaluate building materials, <br />systems, and /or components not readily accessible to ATC during <br />ATC's performance of the Services. ATC is not responsible for <br />unforeseen conditions that exist on site within building systems that <br />prohibit or deter ATC from gaining access to building materials, <br />systems, and /or components. <br />8. SITE CONTROL ATC's testing, observation, or inspection of <br />the work of other parties on it proicct shall not relieve such parties <br />of their responsibility to perform their work in accordance with <br />applicable plans, specifications and safety requircmcnls. <br />Continuous monitoring by ATC's employees does not mean that <br />ATC is observing or verifying all site work or placement of all <br />materials. Client agrees that ATC will only make on -site <br />observations appropriate to the field services provided by ATC and <br />will not relieve others of their responsibilities to perfomn the work. <br />9. TEST AND SAMPLING LOCATIONS Unless otherwise <br />specified in the Contract Document, file accuracy of test or sample <br />locations and elevations will be commensurate only with pacing <br />and approximate measurements or estimates. The Client should <br />retain the services of a professional surveyor, il'greater accuracy is <br />required. Client will furnish, a diagram indicating the accurate <br />location of the site. Sample locations may also be indicated on the <br />diagram. ATC reserves the right to deviate a reasonable distance <br />from the boring and sample locations unless this right is specifically <br />revoked by the client in writing at the time the diagram is supplied. <br />10. SAMPLES AND EQUIPMENT ATC will not retain any <br />samples obtained from the proicct site for• more than 30 days, or as <br />required by law, after submitting its report or issuing written tests <br />2of4 <br />