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REGULAR MEETING OCTOBEI� 23, 2018 331 <br />Woodward — <br />Block Party - <br />2018; 9:00 <br />Ave. to Elwood Ave. <br />Subject to no <br />College Street <br />a.m. to 8:00 <br />Staking of Tent <br />Block Party <br />p.m. <br />in Street and No <br />Blocking of <br />Access to for <br />Emergency <br />Vehicles <br />TABLE APPLICATION FOR REVOCABLE PERMIT FOR ENCROACHMENT — EAST <br />WAYNE STREET NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION — WEST END OF LARGE ISLAND <br />AT 1100 WAYNE ST. <br />Mr. Gilot stated a Revocable Permit has been received from Ms. Linda Riley, Treasurer for the <br />East Wayne Street Neighborhood Association, for the purpose of allowing a book kiosk to be <br />placed in the right-of-way at the west end of the large island at 1100 Wayne St. Mr. Jon Gaul, <br />1204 Wayne Street, asked if the residents could speak, Mr. Gilot requested they state their names <br />and speak. Ms. Elizabeth Adey stated she lives on Wayne Street and noted the kiosk was already <br />placed on the island without anyone being asked. The residents asked the petitioner to remove it <br />and it was removed. She stated she was not aware of this new request, she just happened to see <br />the Board's agenda with the request on it. She added nobody spoke to any of the neighbors and <br />nothing was put on the neighborhood group Facebook or Google site. She stated they are <br />concerned about who is going to take care of it and kids getting injured when playing in the park. <br />She added there are no sidewalks to access the kiosk. Ms. Adey informed the Board that there <br />are already two (2) kiosks in the neighborhood, this isn't needed. She stated the neighbors have <br />been asking these questions of the association, which is not an actual association, and they <br />haven't answered any of their questions. She added they have gotten no information about this <br />request. Alicia Fullenkamp stated when she asked the petitioner what was going on she was told <br />they want to make it available to the children. She noted they already have two (2) boxes and a <br />library, this is not needed. She added it is not fair to the majority of the neighbors that have to <br />look at this box and were never asked about it. Mr. Jon Gaul stated he was formerly with the FBI <br />in Washington D.C. and there was a problem with drug deals done through these boxes. He <br />noted they were used as drop-off points for drug and money exchanges. He noted with the <br />current opioid problem, this is a dangerous concern for the neighbors. He added this box is not <br />something the neighbors want to see in their neighborhood. Mr. Gilot thanked them and asked if <br />the petitioner or anybody else wished to speak in favor. Mr. Gaul noted the petitioner was not <br />present. Ms. Adey noted she presents herself as the Neighborhood Association, but it is not an <br />incorporated neighborhood association. Mr. Jitin Kain, Public Works, stated these kiosks are not <br />legal in the tree lawn based on the zoning ordinance. He noted they should only be placed on <br />private property. Mr. Eric Horvath, Public Works, suggested the Board should probably deny <br />them, noting they aren't legal based on zoning and they don't want to encourage more of these in <br />the public right-of-way. Therefore, Ms. Maradik made a motion to table the request. Mr. Mueller <br />seconded the motion, which carried. Mr. Gilot requested a letter be sent to the petitioner letting <br />them know of the comments from the City and the neighbors, and letting them know they could <br />re -apply but must have approvals included from all affected neighbors, <br />UNFAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION - PETITION TO VACATE THE EAST/WEST <br />ALLEY" WEST OF NORTH NOTR , DAME AVENUE EAST OF NORTH ST, PETER <br />STREET" SOUTH OF NAPOLEON BLVD. AND NORTH OF ST. VINCENT STREET <br />Mr. Gilot indicated that Ms. Elida Matovina, 1115 N. Notre Dame Ave., South Bend, Indiana, <br />has submitted a request to vacate the above referenced alley. Mr. Gilot advised the Board is in <br />receipt of unfavorable recommendations concerning this Vacation Petition from the Street <br />Department, Engineering Department, Fire Department, and Area Plan Commission who all state <br />the vacation would make access to the lands of the aggrieved persons by means of public way <br />difficult or inconvenient, a violation of I.C. 36-7-3-13 regarding the criteria for the vacation of <br />streets and alleys. Engineering noted there are overhead utilities and poles in the alley, and that <br />the applicant only wants to close the entrance to the alley at certain times of the year. The Street <br />Department noted the ally is concrete and was installed by the developer and there may be <br />binding language in a contract between the City and the developer. They also noted the applicant <br />only wants to close the entrance during certain times of the year which is not a valid request. The <br />Area Plan Commission stated there is a group residence -style structure that is serviced by this <br />alley and access for fire safety equipment is necessary. The Fire Department stated the alley is <br />needed for access to the structures in the alley. Therefore, Ms. Maradik made a motion for an <br />