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REGULAR MEETING <br />ATTEST: <br />s /Linda M. Martin, Clerk <br />FEBRUARY 28, 2012 61 <br />CITY OF SOUTH BEND <br />BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS <br />s/ Gary A. Gilot <br />s/ Donald E. Inks <br />s /Kathryn E. Roos <br />ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 12 -2012 — AUTHORIZING THE USE OF CITY INFORMATION <br />FOR MARKETING BY IBM <br />Upon a motion made by Mr. Inks, seconded by Ms. Roos and carried, the following Resolution <br />was adopted by the Board of Public Works: <br />RESOLUTION NO. 12 -2012 <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS <br />FOR THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA <br />AUTHORIZING USE OF CITY INFORMATION FOR MARKETING BY IBM <br />RELATED TO THE IBM INTELLIGENT OPERATIONS CENTER FOR SMARTER <br />CITIES <br />WHEREAS, in accordance with Indiana Code § 36 -9 -6 -1 et seq., the care, custody, <br />control and use of all real and personal property owned by the City of South Bend, Indiana <br />( "City ") is vested in the City's Board of Public Works ( "Board "); and <br />WHEREAS, the City, acting by and through its Board, has entered into an agreement <br />with IBM to utilize the IBM Intelligent Operations Center on IBM's SmartCloud related to the <br />collection of information from level indicators installed in the City's sewer system which will <br />monitor and alert the City wastewater facility when water is rising to unacceptable levels or <br />when a blockage occurs ( "Project "), said Project being more particularly described at Exhibit <br />attached hereto and incorporated herein; and <br />WHEREAS, IBM has requested the use of certain information which may include text, <br />photographs, video's, the City seal or other logo, other images, marketing claims or other <br />materials (collectively "Customer Information ") to be used in whole or in part by IBM without <br />charge or compensation for use in its Marketing Materials and the Board is agreeable to such <br />request. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Public Works for the City of <br />South Bend, Indiana as follows: <br />Section 1. The Board hereby agrees, approves, and authorizes IBM to utilize the <br />Customer Information described above in IBM's Marketing Materials which may <br />include, without limitation, a success story, web site article, brochure, press release, <br />presentation, speech, promotional materials or other document provided however that <br />such marketing claims are true and accurate. <br />Section 2. The Board further agrees that IBM's use of the Customer Information <br />shall be without charge or compensation, and that IBM shall own all rights, including <br />copyrights, in the Marketing Materials. <br />Section 3. The Board's authorization and approval is conditioned upon the Board's <br />right to cancel its authorization and approval at any time by sending written notice to <br />IBM, and that such cancellation shall be deem effective as to prevent expanded future use <br />of the Customer Information by IBM, it successors or assigns. Further the Customer <br />Information available for use by IBM, its successor or assigns shall not include any <br />information declared confidential by court order, by federal or state statute, containing <br />trade secrets, or the public disclosure of which would have a reasonable likelihood of <br />threatening public safety by exposing a vulnerability to terrorist attack. <br />Section 4. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon its adoption by the <br />Board of Public Works. <br />