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f;�4 <br />STREET AND ALLEY IMPROVEMENT RESOLUTION N0. 751. <br />Be It Resolved by the Board of Public Works of the City of South <br />Be d,, St. Joseph Cteunty,, State of Indiana, that t is desired and doomed necessary <br />to iniprove. Dunham Street from Harris Str at .tote west line of Jackson Street as <br />- follows, , t0-wits - <br />Said street shall be graded and the roadway thereof shall be paved, <br />and also the roadway of eertaiin portions of the treats and allays which enter or, <br />intersect your- said' street shall be, grade and pa ad. <br />,. The paving material to be ; used <br />iii making` said Improvement shall be sheet asphal bitulithic., asphaltic concrete <br />or brick, ° and they fdi ndat ion shall lie portland c merit . concreter six (6) inches thick <br />for the, sheet asphalt,-bltulthie asphaltic con retc and brick, or rolled gravel <br />six (6) inches thick` for the brick, also camarnt urb shall be constructed along .said <br />streeat where ` sale* is no#t " already constructed; st rm ywater . inlets and conduits -shall <br />jbe constructed 'whe,re nee essory all manholes taps and storm water inlets shall be set <br />to thaprope:r gia4 ; cement marginal curb shall b constructed at all _street ;and alley <br />Intersections where necessary, all as is ,more particularly shown 'end all in accord - <br />Mee ,with. t#*.plans,- profiles, detail drawings _a specifications on file -in t-he <br />office of the Department of Public Works of the ity of South bend, Indiana. <br />The *eat of the improvement @r ins provided !pr except streetand alley intersectiona, ;shall be paid 6�- <br />spacial mse2=ent to be levied upon the roperty speciaf#y .beief}tted, the amount that the same may bm leg- <br />ally aa=e--sed therefor, in accordance with ail. Act of the general Assembly of the State of India;:-entW11d <br />"An Act Concerning Mun'_cinal Corporations h approved March A. 19115, and in accordanod-�vitb ate' pursuant <br />to the provisions of all acts amendatory and sdppleideW4 thereto <br />The cost of. -all street and aliey into -ections, including one-half o tbs width of the IM " ,_ ottpe- <br />site street and all2ys -hich run into, but, do not cross said roadway he ein proposed to be improve* as�that <br />pbrtio_T cf h '-'_st 0, Ise- ab t`_ng '.?pon property balong-1ng to 'a, Cift or tea propw.)F.'aw 53 to , <br />such Ames shall be p: id by the City in cash out of its general f*r if- able; to dt s� e� i a< `tee- <br />ated by a. = nt to be v`ed undo: the provisions -ad Sacti Ift of the above-ea�%d:. <br />Ass* See is of ten dollars and more absinst each lot, ,if defe. e , are- to, ba,paid- in ten. egaiub annual in- <br />sta11 a <br />it.._C .� _tea rate of Six per cent per annum. A b. a& or bonds wilt ba-issued to the con- <br />.; '2to, to the . :cant of s ich deferred assersmAnts fu pro rates payment far anch improFe=te.t. <br />IIyder no circunstances shall t-e cr`a of South -i3 rr !*e 1 eld res :o° slble for any suns or Vnns due- <br />brom said -property owner or forgad work, work, or for the collectia fire same, firsame, or for the ray cleat of arty <br />ond, beds, certificate or cer"11cate-s, >s,__ to said c_. t. to '_. _.:-it r suc;. work, except for such <br />Moneys as shall have actually besR reaeivef by toe- Cit r from tLe a s: e~ts for such improvement, or such : <br />Moneys as said City is by said entitled Act and ftme d eat and su: to thereto required to pay. Ally. <br />#PPpccedirgs had, and work doneiu The rig of said i : e en evt, east ant of property, collection of ac- <br />NssMcnts and issu4nee of bonds therefor, suall be as provided for in :Rid above entftied Act, and Acts amend- <br />fY 'thereof and supplemental thereto. <br />BL �THER RESOLVED, That the Board of Public Worl� flz,the......�.�.bl.........:*.day of <br />I � , , , ......... ^ vp. 20.., at the hour of 7• 5 P—. M., at the of3ce of the Soardnf-Public <br />Works, of` this City, as: the time and place for the public consideratfor of said proposed improvement, at Which <br />said Board 9f Public Works will hear all persons interested, or whose property is liable to be asseesed for said <br />tmnrovement, and. will decide whether the benefits to the property W Me to be assessed for said Improvement <br />will equal the pstimated cost be-eof. <br />BE•IT:'FUR 1 -E1 z ,a. r l?, That notice of the time and pl tee of such public consideration o ub- <br />if^hed and rnVled i the. _er proud by law. Not'cek� is reso2 tion shall bg published on the.. V.0 r <br />day of. . marl, ..and n tiie.F)1 9, day of :.. ��?Y! i� . 1 Q. h the South Send Daily t` fbunE4. <br />Adopted this.`of..........Mat 0h•3.920: ... , is...... <br />' BOARD 0' PIIBLIC WOR CT. A. ELLIOTTHARVEY F. ROSTISER <br />JOHN P. DEHAVEN _ <br />Attested: - <br />Veronica C. Sweeney, ° <br />Clerk of Board. <br />