Laserfiche WebLink
B. In addition to above, provide additional communications support as <br />may be needed <br />1. Completing any refinements or changes to the current web site <br />2. Writing and distribution of content for news media use, especially in <br />national /international markets <br />3. Preparation of content for any current or new brochures or other <br />collateral material <br />4. Creation of special communications products (e.g., advertisements) <br />5. Public affairs counsel as may be required in regard to the City's <br />activities <br />Any additional communications support provided by BWG shall be approved <br />in advance in writing by the City's representative. <br />Section 2. Consideration <br />A. Fees. <br />1) The City agrees to pay BWG for professional services rendered under <br />Section I.A. of this Agreement, based on the total number of hours <br />worked on behalf of the City and BWG's rates for professional services. <br />2) BWG agrees that the total amount to be paid for its services under <br />Section 1.A. of this Agreement shall not exceed Seven Thousand Five <br />Hundred Dollars ($7,500.00) per month. <br />3) The City agrees to pay BWG for professional services rendered under <br />Section 1.13. of this Agreement, based on the total number of approved <br />hours worked on behalf of the City and BWG's rates for professional <br />services. <br />4) BWG agrees that the total amount to be paid for its services under <br />Section 1.13. of this Agreement shall not exceed One Thousand Dollars <br />($1,000.00) during the term of this Agreement. <br />5) BWG will submit a detailed invoice for services rendered at the end of <br />each month under the Agreement. <br />6) The City shall pay to BWG amounts shown on each such statement <br />within forty five (45) days after receipt thereof. <br />B. Benefits. <br />BWG shall not be entitled to any benefits or privileges, including <br />without limitation social security, unemployment, medical or pension <br />payments, made available to employees of the City. <br />- 2 - <br />