Laserfiche WebLink
Estimated monthly expense: $7,500 <br />Option B: In addition to above, provide additional communications support as may be <br />needed <br />Completing any refinements or changes to the current web site <br />Writing and distribution of content for news media use, especially in <br />national /international markets <br />Preparation of content for any current or new brochures or other collateral material <br />4. Creation of special communications products (e.g., advertisements) <br />5. Public affairs counsel as may be required in regard to the City's activities <br />Estimated monthly expense: To be billed as services are required, at an average hourly rate of <br />$125. <br />Thank you for the opportunity to continue to be of service to the City of South Bend, and I look <br />forward to your thoughts and directions as to the options we have put forward. <br />Patrick Strickler <br />President <br />608.346.8842 <br />thebluewatersgroup <br />