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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting — January 24, 2012 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (CONT.) <br />C. Airport Economic Development Area <br />(2) continued... <br />properties that staff is near closing on, and <br />three that have a possibility of closing on this <br />year, for a total of 11 properties that at some <br />point will need asbestos inspections <br />completed prior to demolition specs being <br />written. <br />Grauvogel & Associates has completed many <br />of the asbestos reports in this area. They <br />have provided a proposal to charge the same <br />price per structure as they have in the past, <br />which, when bid out early last year, was the <br />lowest price. <br />Grauvogel's proposal is $290 per residential <br />structure and $390 for a small commercial <br />structure. If further analysis is needed to <br />confirm asbestos containing materials which <br />may be questionable based on test results, an <br />additional fee of $60 per test will be charged. <br />Of these eleven properties, ten are residential <br />and one small commercial. Based on the <br />above pricing, asbestos reports total $3,290. <br />To fund any additional testing that may be <br />needed, staff requests a not -to- exceed <br />amount of $5,000. <br />Staff requests approval of this Professional <br />Services Agreement with Grauvogel & <br />Associates, to fund asbestos testing on <br />acquired properties in the Ignition Park South <br />Expansion Area. <br />Upon a motion by Ms. King, seconded by <br />Mr. Varner and unanimously carried, the <br />Commission approved the proposal from <br />Grauvogel & Associates for Asbestos <br />22 <br />COMMISSION APPROVED THE PROPOSAL FROM <br />GRAUVOGEL & ASSOCIATES FOR ASBESTOS <br />INSPECTION REPORTS FOR DEMOLITION IN <br />IGNITION PARK SOUTH IN A NOT -TO- EXCEED <br />AMOUNT OF $5,000 <br />