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258 � � <br /> � <br /> � <br /> �lkhart P�rass t�ifg, Co, � 15.76 P,a.ilwa.y E::press ?_;ency u 4,00 � <br /> El]:hart Brass T�'£g. Co. 9.35 Scher:�an-Schaus-rreer:an Co. 20.11 � <br /> Engle�rood Electrical Supnly 24.96 Scherr.:an-Sehaus-Freeran Co. �+0.00 <br /> Ln�le�-rood �lectrical Supply 7,08 Scherman-Schaus-Free*nan Co.1,690,60 <br /> Harry T. �verett 9.65 Schillin� 's 21.21 <br /> Gerber Iifg. ,Co. 190.65 0. J. Shoe*�ai;er 25�00 <br /> The Git�son Co;�pany '7, 55. sr.,o;or Lurnber Co, �+6, �f <br /> Hurt�ich Iron Co, 50.00 Indiar.a Fsell Telephone 135.73 <br /> FIRB DEPARTI r�P1T: Chief nndrzejez,rski ��as present and natters pertaining to <br /> his departr^ent �rere discussed, , <br /> The �oard entered into an aoree�:ent �rith Vincent 2�. Fa�,an, Architect� <br /> for the prepaxation of plans for the erection of an addition to a.nd alter- <br /> ❑tions to Tio. , 10 hose house� located at 1610 South Iiichi�an Street in <br /> South Bend. This a�reenent to become effective on January 3� 19�+9. <br /> This �eing the date sct for receivin� bids for a raotorized aerial <br /> ladder trucii� ' the follo�aing bid �ras opcned and publicly read: <br /> blaxim i;otor CoMpany, Iion-collusion aff'idavit and bid bond in the <br /> ;'iddleboro� •I�,ass, amount of y�3,o82,98 <br /> 1- 2fiodel l�+l LA Piax_im �5 foot aerial� on custom built <br /> • motorized chassis� a11-steel ladder� powe:ed by 201 <br /> Lrake horse power� six cylinder notor� coTMplete as <br /> per attached specifications �329�89�+.93 <br /> Deliveryin appro�:ir:ately 200-225 wor?:ing days <br /> 1 �lectric Satia gun 135.00 <br /> 1 Portable Acetylcne Cuttin�; outfit 235�C0 <br /> 2 Chenox 3reathing apparatus 2Q0/00 <br /> The Board accep ted the bid� it bein; the onl�r one received� f or 1 l.dder <br /> truck �' a29,�94.93 and 1 Electric Sa��� Gun � a135.00 � <br /> An application £or the :ire Department t•ras approved �nd o:dered filed ' <br /> for IIarry Joseph Lodyba. <br /> POLIC�' PPFAR^2�P.T_ Chief L'verett �,ras present and matters to <br /> his de,r,artment �-�ere discussed. <br /> The Police Chief as�_ed permiss?on to send the Fistol Team to Ta�-;pa� <br /> Florida ir. rebruary �or the national Pistol i,eet. <br /> FL�C^1RIC�L DEPARTT�P?T: 1•:r. 6�lilliam Qua.11s� Superintendent� t•ras present <br /> and matters pertainin� to his depart:�ent taere discussed. <br /> i?r. Qualls reco�::*:endc3 to the Po'�'rd that lights �e installed at Yori: <br /> Road and Ridgeda.le and Yorl: Road� and Garland, '?'he Eoard� upon his reco*�- <br /> meadation� or3ered hiM to have the lights ins,talled, <br /> 2,r. �ualls infor..�ed the �o�rc� that �li�hts ordered in at the follotiair_g <br /> locations had been completed and were no�a in service,. <br /> On Kemble Avenue at the alley between Ca.lver,t and Donald Stree,ts � and e,ight <br /> li;.ts in Belle VillaJe� Sar.iple and Kenmore; punhaM and Y.enr:oreg idellington <br /> ar.d, Dunnan; :�ell?ngton and Ee'_le Vista; �dellin;^ton and Sanple; Illinois and <br /> Bel�e Vista; Illinois and Dvnham and I1linoi$ and Sar.^.ple. <br /> � There 'aeing no further busincss to co�;e: ocfore the Board� the r:eeting ' <br /> ���as, adjourned at 11:45 A.II. . . <br /> ATT�S i: , ' <br /> t, � y• , Cha i <br /> �— C_erl�( , <br />