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25'`l " <br /> � This being the date set ior recciving bids for cars for the Police <br /> De�artnent� the follo:ring bid *,ras opered .and publicl;r read; <br /> �,an Co. T,on-collusion afiidavit and certified <br /> . checl. in the a.r^ount of :';>169.00 uccompanied <br /> . bid, <br /> 2 19�°u Char:pion DeLu::e Coach equipped �1ith Under <br /> seat hea.ter and defroster� all l:cys on door� alil:e <br /> painted black �y16E2,�j ea. . a3365.5� <br /> � Less I'ederal F:.ccise Tax. 15° �0 � <br /> 320 . o <br /> Less 15`,�� discour.t 46 00 <br /> � 2'7�0,60� <br /> Less allo�.rance 19i�2 Studebl;er �;;anpion <br /> and 1946 Studcbaker Char�pion 10 0 00 <br /> u16c0.60 <br /> The above bid� the only one received� ��as accepted by the �oard. <br /> F.I,PCmi?IC/1L DEFAR'Pi�i?T: P,r, l•:illia*:i Qualls� �uperintendent� was present <br /> and ratter� pertaining to his depart:�cnt t:ere discussed. <br /> A petition for a street li;ht in ±Le 1300 blocl; of iiiner Strect <br /> �;ras referred to Pir. Qualls for investif;at;on and report. <br /> A pet�tion for n street li�;izt on 31st �treet Get�reen the 500 and 600 <br /> blocl:s � a. petition for a street li�-ht on33rd stre�t at Pleasant Street <br /> and a petition to iMprove :<:ish��:al:a ;,vcnue £rora 20th Strect to Logan <br /> Street trit' nodcrniz.ation of li�htinF and nod-ern fixtures together �rith <br /> additional lit;hts� �ra.s referred to 2ir. :;ualls for investigation an3 report. <br /> Y:r. Qualls informed the �oa�d that liPht� ordered in at Dalc vnd <br /> Scls�an �tre�ts and Gocdland and Ro.Ser Strects had been installed ur.d tirere <br /> 'notr in servicc. <br /> There bein� no £urther business to come before �the Board� the r�eetir.g <br /> �ras adjourned at 11:45 A.ii. <br /> A1T�ST: <br /> �y�L G�%�s.�-.-,�,�. <br /> Chair._, n <br /> erl: <br /> Decer^ber 20� 19�-8 <br /> A regular meetino of the �o^rd of Furlic �afet;� ��as held on I:onday� <br /> Decer�ber 20� 191F8 at 10:00 A,2:. All r..cnbers �rere present. P:inutes of the <br /> last r�eetin� ;;�ere read and approved. Salary clai:�s in the ar.!ount of. <br /> �85�OC9.9'7 ;;ere approved and ordered paid. Clair:s of the folloti�ing -suppliers <br /> in the ar:ount of �5�31�•.20 trere approved ard ordered poid: <br /> A. S. Aloe Co. u 1.�1 Indiana �ell ?elephone � 10.26 <br /> l�r�:erican-LaFrance-Foar,ite 1.88 Indiana ?ell Telephone 20,25 <br /> Sar� Berran 112.15 i'cClave Printino Co. 28.00 <br /> Sar.i �err.:an . 14�+.96 2dcClave Printinb Co, 11. 50 <br /> Sam Berr.�an 2�+2.10 P•icClave Frintin� Co, �5.00 <br /> SaM Eerr�an 32,29 I'ar ?'ain Pharr�acy 10.20 <br /> �'.�'',:t�'bL'��s X� A. G. I?�ier- �. Co. 27.85 <br /> Business Systens 1�+1,36 A. G, lieier u Co. 2'7,85 <br /> Business Systems 3.18 I'id�rest Fire & Safety 195.05 <br /> Business SysteMS 137.60 i:idest rire F- Sufety Co, 189.00 <br /> Business Systems .']9 i:idest Fi:e w- Safet ,� Co. 189,C0 <br /> Business Systens .88 I'odern Hor.^.e 5upply �0. 00 <br /> Business Syster.^.s 16.05 i;�tional Bral.e Service 2,10 <br /> Business Systev�s 12.97 Iies�el Froducts Co. 98.25 <br /> Business Systens 137.60 E, R. I;e�rland Co, 1.25 <br /> Business S;;*stems 13'7.60 I;or. Ind. Pub. Ser. Co. 1,00 <br /> Business Systens 21.17 Photostat Corporation 15.'71 <br /> City t-Jater C�orl:s 9. 59 Radio Distributino Co, 93.40 <br /> City ':Iater ?:'orl:s 6�5,40 P�dio Distributing Co, 123.20 <br />