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256 � � <br /> � <br /> EL�C1RiCAL D�.PA�TA;SPdT: Ps. ,7illiar� �ualls� Superintendent� 1•;a.s present � <br /> and matters pertaining to his departrnent 1:�erc discussed. �' <br /> Petitions for street li�hts at 28th and Hastinos� Longley and Huey <br /> St-reets, Bo,�� and iiichigan Streets and on 31s� Street bettreen Vine Street <br /> and ivorth Side Boulevard t:ere referred to I.r. Jualls for investigation <br /> and report. � • <br /> iIr. (�zalls recor�,r:ended the installation oi a street light at the <br /> intersection of Dela.rare and Carlisle Streets and 36th Street and Ilorth <br /> Side Eoulevard� and tne ?oard� upon his recomnendation� directed him to <br /> order the li�hts installed. ' <br /> I:r, Rua.11s informed the Board that li�hts ordered insta.11ed at <br /> �;er:rins::i and Johnson Streets� Vine S�rect and Iror;>rood Drive, College <br /> an3 :assn�cht Streets� a.nd I:ebron and raleon Streets ha.d al1 beein _n- <br /> stalled and ;rere notir in service. � <br /> ITFIGIITS �: P�isASU�tES: rir. Charles �urns� City Sealer� filcd his report <br /> for the month of Pdover:ber� 1°�+8. , • <br /> ' lhere being no further business to ce�:e befo:e tne Board� the ncet- <br /> in� taas adjourned•at ll:iF� A.Ii. � � <br /> ATT'ESi: - <br /> ' (o• Q u��� • . . . <br /> � Clerk � • � <br /> � Decer,l�er 13� 19�+8 • . - � <br /> A regular r�eetin; of the Board of Pu�lic Safety* cras held on ."onday� <br /> DeceMber 13� 19�-8 at 10:00 A.1i. All mer.!bers Vrere present. Alinutes •of • <br /> the last mecting were read and approved. Clai�:s of the follo�aing su�pliers <br /> in the ar�ount of w4�65'7,9� tilere approved andordered puid: <br /> Lusiness Systeras �v 5.�+0 Osthei:cer �s Heating Shop �$ 28,34 <br /> Continental Oil Co. 69�+.60 Radio Distributing Co. 78,00 <br /> Continental Oil Co. 369�05 Radio Distri�utin� Co. 73.60 <br /> Continental Oil Co. '']7�+.65 Radio Distributing Co. 16.36 <br /> Continental Oil Co, 395.20 HeLnin�ton Rand Inc, 5.�+5 <br /> Continental oil Co. 133.82 Rose � Katz� Inc. 13. 5� <br /> Continental Oil Co. 139.39 Scherman-Schaus-I'reer:an Co. 10.00 <br /> Davies L�undr;� ' 16.22 Scher:�an-Schaus-Freeman Co, 1,36 <br /> J. H. �r�erson Co. 27,C0 Sheehan Tire Service 89. 70 <br /> Gerber I°anufacturing Co. 236.05 Simon Bros, Inc, 26,30 <br /> Fred I�ar^,r�er 8.60 Sison Bros. 9.60 <br /> John Hite 7. 50 31r.!er Sokol� Sec, F.O .P. 2�+5.00 <br /> John Hite 190.00 South Bend Supply Co, 1.98 <br /> Ind. & i4ich. �1ec, Co. �+,96 Standard Oil Cor�pany 100.00 <br /> Ind, & ?iich. �lec, Co. 2,32 Andre�:� Troeger Co, 1.50 <br /> P:cClave Frinting Co. 35.00 J. E, �.'alz Garage 393.85 <br /> I:cClave Printing Co. 83.50 J. �. '.ialz Gara,e 243.00 <br /> P�icClave Printing Co. �+8. 50 l•lesner ' s FI.D. Sales 19.40 <br /> liifflin Garage 5.00 iJcsner' s H,D, Sales 7.85 <br /> Ohio Oil Co, 10�,38 Richard Uhl 1,20 <br /> 'Andreo� Orban 10,d+ <br /> FIR� D';PARTi�'iIT: Chief Andrzeje�rsY.i tras present and matters pertaining <br /> to hi� depart�ent tirere discussed. <br /> An application for the rire Dcpartment t�tas at,proved and ordered ' <br /> filed for �:Iilliam 2°:arshall Fishcr. • <br /> POLICE DPPhRTi_`EPIT: ChieP �verett laas present ard ::atters pertainino to <br /> his departnent z�rcre discussed, • <br /> A special police cor:mission z-ras a.pproved and ordered Yie1d for bond <br /> for �`arion Bre�rer Platt. • <br /> t:r, :cn llilkinson and I'.r, Lcuis G:yp� representing the Junior Chanber <br /> of Co..rierce� appeared before the noard to asl: per�!ission to have a booth <br /> for the "t�iile of Dimes" on :^:ichi�an Street in front of Robertson P�rothers <br /> Department Store the last l;eek in January� 1°49. Perr:ission �•tas granted, <br />