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� <br /> 255 <br /> . Decenber 6� 1948 <br /> A regular meetin� of the Board of Public Safety �:as hcld on idonda;�� <br /> Decc:;ber 5� 19�+8 at 10:00 ,'l.':I. All .^..ezbers �.*ere pre�ent. i'inutes of the <br /> last Meetinr �aerc rea@ and approved. Salary clair;s in the amount of <br /> ,�+�+�030,�+5 �rere approved and ordered paid, Clair..s of the folloti�rin� suppl- <br /> icrs in the asaount of .��`l�iF1�+, 56 l•rere approved and ordered paid: <br /> AMerican-Larrance-ro�mite w 2,2� i,Ier�orial IIospital ' u 2. 5� <br /> American-LaFrance-I'oar�ite 20.25 21er:�orial Hospital 2. 50 <br /> ' Ai�erican-LaFrance-Foamite 2,40 G. E, i'eyer � Son 2. 52 <br /> Audio-Visual Center .95 .+or, Ind. � Pub, Ser, Co. 52.92 <br /> Brennan Je:relry 3.00 Prentice-Hall >.17 <br /> �usiness Syste;,is 2.']3 Radio Distributin� Co. 1LE.46 <br /> El].s:;ortiis Store �, 50 Radio Distri'autin� Co. 52.25 <br /> Engleivood E•lec. Suppl;� �+7.1�5 Hid;;e Co^!pany �+7.55 <br /> En�lecrood Llec. Supply 10. 50 Scherman-Schaus-c�reer:an 3.80 <br /> En�le�rood ylec. Supply 2.31� Schuyler Rose 11,60 <br /> �nglei�ood Elec. �upply 4�,45 The Sea�rave Corp. 18.80 <br /> Engle�reod �,lec, Supply 2,62 Sheehan ^lire Service 139.85 <br /> Engletrood i1ec, Sunply 181F.01 FI. H. Slor^ins::i� i: .D, 3.G0 <br /> Gendels I_erchandise liart 21.00 H, H. Sloninsl:i� i4.D. 33.00 <br /> General Sheet ?'etal ,^lorl:s 5.00 H. f3. �Sloninsl:i� ii,D, 3,00 <br /> General Sheet T:etal l•lorl:s 10.�35 Standard ��ut�notive Sunply 22.67 <br /> Otto Gratzol 15.00 Steinhofier Scale Co. 83.60 <br /> L1, � L,�, Gurley 2.2£3 S::nnson Plating i�ior?:s 3.00 <br /> John Hite 38.�0 ilcsner�s ?:. D. Sales 11„?0 <br /> Indiana i:ell Telep:-:none 7.�'8 ',lcstern Unior_ Tel. Co. 2.01 <br /> Ind, u 2?ich. Elec. Co, 28.°2 J. E, �:ialz Garlge �+��.00 <br /> Ind. cc i:ich. Elcc. Co. 85.�r J. E, �;'alz Garabe 177.00 <br /> I:oontz-�:laoner �lec. Co, .80 �;Jeisberger Bros, 13.20 <br /> TicCafier� Co, 2.'70 [;e�� Side Hardt;�re 'J.00 <br /> A. G. .leier � Co, 79.25 , , <br /> FIRF. DrPARTiWr'i: Chief Andrzeje�isl:i Llas prc�ent and natters pertaining to <br /> ' his depart:�ent lrere discussed. � <br /> The Fire Chief infosr.ied thc °o�rd that he ��as in need of an nerial <br /> La3der truck ar.d the Clerl; of the Board �;as directed to advertise for bids <br /> for sar.^.e to be returna�le on Dece,:.ber 20� 1�48. : <br /> � Andrel: Pesta� �a r:e:°:ber of tnc Fire Dep'artr..ent� presented hi� resig- <br /> nation after h�ving served t�renty-fivc yeurs on the de'partr.:ent. The Board <br /> agproved his resignation effective January ;l� 19�+9. ' <br /> � The follo;aing coW�__unication ;�as receive3 froM the Fire-:cn' s Prnaion <br /> r und: . . . . <br /> � "Tne Board �1cted favorably upon the petition� presented by Bert <br /> ';Icirinsl;i an:l Fran:- Royte� to the effect: that the tir.;e served os r.:eMLers <br /> an� operators in the, nlarn Division cf the 'fire scrvice shall' be ;�ade� in- <br /> clusive of their regular fire depart^ent service arid therefo:e accredited <br /> to, their continuous fire service 'record vs 'if thcy had al��a;�s been regular <br /> r..cnbers of the Fire Force. In ac'cordance �iith thz� decision eacii petit�oner <br /> tt�ll be required to pay a'll unpaid assessment:s� thc �ar..e ar:ount into the <br /> pension £uad as he ;�ould havc paid in assc�srer.�s if hc had alor;;,JS been a <br /> ne:�ber of Fire:^,en' s Pension l�znd durin�; their �rears of munici'pal scrvice." <br /> Applications for the Fire Dcpart:�ent trere approved and ordered filed <br /> for George Stanley Ladetiasl:i and 5,}*lvester Ale;c Janko�ts'_,i. <br /> , FOLICE D�F�'�TI;`�i?T: Chief �verett tras p°esent and natters pertaininb to <br /> his departnent ,��ere di�cussed. <br /> � Sp�cia.l Folice co:��isSion and boad trere a?�proved and ordercd filed <br /> for Harvc;* Schosl:er. <br /> Donzetta A, I:artin Zras appointed as an au.�:ili�r;� school police pa;,rol <br /> tror.:an efiective Dccer:Ler 9� li�+�. <br /> An ap:lication for tne Police Departnent 1�as approved and ordered <br /> filed for Rene DeVolder. � � <br />