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2�2 � � <br /> � <br /> The Chief asl.ed permission to attend a r�eeting of the Indiana C=7 <br /> Traffic Safety Council in Indianapolis on .';;ednesday, Plovember 17, 1948 C <br /> �nd a meeting of the Indiana Association of Chiefs of Police in Indiana- <br /> polis on Thursday� Tdovetnber 18, Pcrr,.ission was oranted, <br /> A letter t��as received from the Polish-.A.*�erican Central Civic Com- <br /> mittee relative to truck traffic on South Olive Street. This was referred <br /> to the Chief for investigation. <br /> �� ECTP,ICAL DFPART2�WNT: Mr. ulillia.m Gualls, Superintenden.t� iaas present <br /> and matters pertaining to his departMent tiaere discussed, <br /> A petition for a street light at the intersection of Indiana Avenue ' <br /> and S�-rygert Street oras reccived by the Board and referred to the �lec- <br /> trical Superintendent. for investigation and report. <br /> There being no further business to cone before the Board� the <br /> �eetino �aas adjourned at 11:4-5 A.i-.. <br /> ATiES T: ��'l�ri�"'�'C/ <br /> Y�. O.�SS�.�-.--� . C_r,a nan <br /> �- Clerk . <br /> TvTovember 22� 19�+8 <br /> A regular meeting of the Board of Public 5afety i•ras neld on I•?onday� <br /> Tlovember 22� 19�+8 �t 10:00 A.Pd. All �enbers t•�ere present. N:inutes of <br /> the last meeting tivere read and approved. Claims of the follo��ing <br /> suppliers in the amount of �2,955.2g Urere approved and ordered paid: <br /> Alex AndrzejeVrski a 92.32 Indiana Bell Telephone w 24.06 <br /> Sam �erman 122 �+5 Indiana Bell lelephone 6.75 <br /> Bodyouard P-ifg. Co. 23.99 C. E. Lee Cor�pany 1.30 <br /> Bodyguard P�ifg, Co, 12.28 G. E, i:eyer & Son 13.22 ' <br /> �od;�gua.rd D'fg. Co, 1'J.82 A, G, I�eier & Co, 30.25 <br /> Business Systems 21.96 . t-1ifl,�est Fire u Safety 56.00 <br /> Business Systems 3$.86 Radio Distributing Co, 91.82 <br /> Business Systems 4.�+ Royal Ts,�pewriter Co, 2.50 <br /> City lJater �;Jqrks 66,36 Royal Type�°:iter Co, 4.50 <br /> City �:ater �;orks . 2.05 Royal Typet•rriter Co. 131.75 <br /> Daleiden P4fg. Co. 75."0 Royal Type�ariter Co. 131.75 <br /> Daleiden P,fb. Co, �+75.00 Royal Typet-rriter Co, 2.25 <br /> �ttgle�vood �lec, Supply 5.05 0. J, Shoev�aker 5.�2 <br /> Federal Enterprises 75.95 Sintpn Su�ply Co. 3. <br /> Federal Enterprises 1.62 Sirchie Fin�erprint Lab. 62,81 <br /> Gerber ,"1fg. Co. 862.'77 H. H. Slominsl:i� I-1,D. 7.00 <br /> Gerber I1fg. Co. 128.70, FI. H, Slominski� 2�i,D. 16.00 <br /> John Hite 22, 50 :�lesner' s I3arley Davidson 8'7.10 <br /> Huron Pharmacy �+9.00 t�atthe�,r Zarenbka 84.00 <br /> Bel_l Telephone 4�.6$ Ziker Cleaners �+5.80 <br /> FIRE DEPARTT��IdT: Chief Andr2ejewski was present and natters pertaining <br /> to his department were discussed. . <br /> Applications for the rire Department trere approved znd ordered filed <br /> for Harold Hans $all and Paul .1lfred Oliver. <br /> A memo ��as received from the Fire��en' s Pension I'und indicating <br /> that X-ray Laboratories are to be informed that a t•rritten report of , <br /> ' the X-ray examination of applicants for the Fire Department shall be <br /> for�aarded to the president of the pension fund . <br /> POLICE DF,P�RTP��tdT: Chief Everett oras present and �atters pertaining to <br /> his depart::tent �:rere discussed, <br /> �pplications for the Police Depart?�:ent �rere approved and ordered <br /> filed for Robert Leroy Copeland and Eugene Joseph Pinter. <br /> The Qzie£ presented his report for the Month of October� 19�8. <br />