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251 <br /> POLICE D�PARTt-�PIT: Cnie£ Everett ;ras present and natters pertainin� to <br /> his departMent ��rere discussed, <br /> The A:erchant' s Division of the Chambcr of Commerce requested per�ission <br /> to hold a parade on the City Streets on Tuovember 26� 19�+8. Permission oras <br /> granted, <br /> ELEC1'RICAL DrPAi�TP��f;TdT: Air, llillia�i Qualls� Superintendent� 1�as present <br /> and Matters per±aining to his departrnent orere discussed, <br /> A petition z�ras presented askinb for the installation of a street light <br /> ' at the corner of Hastings and 26th Street. <br /> A petition was presented asking for the installation of a stre�t light <br /> at the intersection of Robcrts and Ruskins Strects. Both petitions trere <br /> referred to I�'s. Qualls for investigation and report. <br /> POLICE DFPARTI�LIZT: A Special Police Co�:u�:ission ti•ras approved and ordered <br /> filed for l�laclaw Chrobot. <br /> Special Police bonds �rere approved and ordered filed for LJaclaw <br /> Chrobot and Joseph John Laskoiaski. <br /> l�1EIGI�TS AND T,�ASURE� : b1r, Charles Burns� City Sealer� filed his report <br /> for the month ending October 31� 194£3. <br /> There being no further business to corse before thc �oard� the r�eeting <br /> �•ras ad�ourned at 12:00 noon. <br /> A^1�i�ST: � ���'�/1'�J <br /> �o,-Q�� / hairman <br /> Cle _ <br /> � iiovember 15� 1948 <br /> A regular meeting of the Board of Pu�lic Safety �aas held on i:onday� <br /> Pdover.:ber 15� 1948 at 10:C0 A.i�;. All mer�bers Zrere present, tiinutes of the <br /> last meeting were read and approved. Salary claims in the amount of <br /> ;���+�0'70.03 were approved and ordered paid. Clai�s of the following suppliers <br /> in the ar.iount of w520.00 �-rere approved and ordered paid: <br /> Brennan' s Je�;eler x 6�00 idcCaffery Co. � 2.35 <br /> Eusiness Syster�s 38. 37 i.cClave Printin, Co. 32, 50 <br /> Ilusiness 5ystems �F, 51 ::emorial Hospit,al . 3.75 <br /> Davies Laundry u Cleanin� 7.75- �thony r, ?`iller 3.65 <br /> The G�neuell Co*^:pany 5.16 ScherMan-Schaus-�:eer^3n 2. 50 <br /> The Ga:�e:rell Cor.:pany 3.75 H. H. Slominski, Ii,�. 6.00 <br /> John Hite - � 28.00• Star-,:achine Z1orl;s . 16�+,00 <br /> James -F:. Trevey 12.00• J. E. ilalz Garage . � 148.�0 <br /> FIRE D��PARii-c11T: The Clerk infor�ed the ,Board that �Jarren Tot�mship had <br /> paid in full for fire service for 19�+8. • <br /> POLICE D`SPART',•�P1T: Chief Everett �ras present and r�a.tters pertaining to <br /> his departnent ��rere discussed, • <br /> Daughters of Union Veterans were granted pernission to sell flowers <br /> on the city streets on the last Saturday in l�pril, 1949. <br /> An application for the rolice Departr.:ent �ras received and ordered <br /> ' filed for i3ay* i:a^garet ':fitherspoon. <br /> This �eing the date • set for receiving bids for a three wheel notor- <br /> cycle for the Folice Departnent and only one bid having been received� it <br /> tiras opened and read as follolrs: <br /> :;esner' s Iiarley Davidson Sales 1 3-�:rheel servi-car as per specifi- <br /> cations adapted for radio use �g38,60 <br /> The above bid �aas accepted. <br />