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� <br /> 247 <br /> A notice was filed tiaith the Board that a claim would be filed against <br /> the City for injuries received on r^riday� September 17� 19�-8 at the north <br /> west corner of liain and Colfax� on the crosst��all:� by Mrs, Helen Kachel. <br /> An investigation �aas requested by the Attorney. <br /> ELECTRICAL DFPARTP�;NT: A petition was received asking £or the installation <br /> of a street light at the intersection of Olive and Calhoun Streets. This <br /> ti�ras referred to 2+Ir, Qualls for investigation and report. <br /> A petition otas received asking for the installation of a street light <br /> at the end of Brookfield Street near the railroad tracks� and a petition <br /> to install a street light on Kemble Avenue between �:1est Calvert Street and tlest <br /> 'Donald Street were both referred to h'r. Qualls for investigation and report. <br /> P�ir. Qualls informed the Board that lights ordered in at Prairie and <br /> Brookfield Streets� , Catalpa. and Garst Streets and Catalpa and Iierr Streets <br /> had all been installed and were nor� in service. <br /> WEIGHTS �C P��ASURES: i�fr, Charles J. Burns� City Sealer� filed his report <br /> with the Board for the Montn of Septenber� 19�+8. <br /> The City Hall will be closed Tuesday� October 12� 1°48 for Columbus <br /> Day. <br /> There being no further business to cone before the Board� the meeting <br /> was ad�ourned at 11:45 A.T1. <br /> ATTEST: � �� <br /> �O:Q - ��% airman . <br /> C1 <br /> October lE� 19�+8 <br /> A regular �eeting of the Eoard of . Public Safety i�ras held on Tlonday� <br /> October 18� 19�+8 at 10:00 A.PI. All rer�bers �rere present, i4inutes of the <br /> last meeting o;ere read and approved, Salary clai�s in the amount of <br /> "��+3,856,85 i�rere approved and ordered paid. Cl�ims of the follorring Suppliers <br /> in the amouat of �2�321.46 were approved and ordered paid: <br /> Ar.:erican-LaFrance-roa�ite � 5. 55 4he t:cCaffery Company .�u" 22.66 <br /> A�erican LaPrance-Foanite 28�+.96 The P�ScCaffery Conpany .6g <br /> Ar.!erican-La rrance-Foanite 109.']9 I:cClave Printing Co. 6��50 <br /> Business Systems 9.05 A. G, Neier °�c Co� 318.00 <br /> City Zlater 1lorY>s 15.61 A, G. 2•`.eier � Co. 79.25 <br /> Continental Oil Company 16'7.2� Afe�orial I:ospital 2.50 <br /> Federal Laboratorics 100,00�::est Fire � Safety 182.30 <br /> Gerber i".fg. Co. 28. 50 ��1n, r. q"ualls . '75.00 <br /> Gerber iifg. Co, 243.50 Doyal V. Rh�-mer 6,00 <br /> Gerber P;fg. Co. . 180.25 Schilling's Inc. . . 63.06 <br /> V. =.. .Harmon� hi.D. . 33.00 Sears Roebuck �: Co. .77 <br /> Huntington Laboratories 71.55 Suprer..e Sponge Co. 120.00 <br /> Indiana Bell Telephone 51.52 Thorpe iiotor Sales 3.90 <br /> Indiana Textile Co, , 41.03 :�Jestern Union Tel, Co. . 1�+.25 <br /> Georoe !�Iyr.ian & Co. 24,00 • <br /> FIRE D°PARTPZEidT: ChieF Andrze�e4rski ��ras present and matters pertaining to his <br /> departr.ient were discussed, . . . . <br /> Applica.tions for the Fire DepartMent �•tere approved a.nd ordered filed for <br /> Joseph. John f:u:itz and Louis L. Horvath.,� . <br /> The Chief informed the Board that Joseph Fasa t�ras slightly injured �rhile <br /> n duty on October 1'J� 19�+8. <br /> The Fire Chief �ras oranted permission to attend the International Fire <br /> Chief' s convention at *:ia�i �'orida� starting i'ovenber ']� 1948. <br /> Geo��ge Ko�aatch was appointed as a probationary �ember of the Fire Depart- <br /> Ment for a period of six r!onths� during t•rhich tirae he shall be paid the salary <br /> o£ a man on a probationary basis� effective October 14� 19�+8. The -Board con- <br /> firMed the said appointment. <br />