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� <br /> 246 � <br /> � <br /> october 11, 19�+$ � <br /> A regular meeting of the Board o£ Public Safety taas held on P�Ionda.y� <br /> October I1� 19�+s. at 10:00 A.P�?. All me�bers.were present. Minutes of the <br /> last meeting were read and approved. Cla.iu�s of the following suppliers <br /> in the amount of �3�245.20 were approved and ordered paid: <br /> Ault Camera Shop $ 6.�+3 Nor. Ind. Pub. Ser. Co. � 48,08 <br /> Bartholomerr's Inc. 10, 5b Radio Distributing Co. . , 21.49 <br /> Business Systems 22.40 Radio Distributing Co, 32,61 <br /> Clemans Truck Line , 1.05 Recreation �quipment Co, 1�+.�FO <br /> Continental Oil Co. 216.53 Scherman-Schaus-Freeman 69.�+5 , <br /> Davies Laurxiry & Cleaning 15.20 Schilling' s Inc. . 18,00 <br /> L. 0. Gates Chev. 1,659,60 Schilling's Inc. 25.80 <br /> Home Ftzrnace Conpany 150.00 0. J. Shoenaker 1�+.30 <br /> Indian P4otorcycle Sales 13.05 H. H. Slo�ninski� P•1.D. . 9.00 <br /> Ind. & P4ich. Elec, Co. 65.'76 South Bend X-Ray Lab. 10.00 <br /> Ind. Rs i�fich. Elec. Co. 1.60 Steinhoffer Scale Serv. 57.00 <br /> Ind. & P�Iich. Elec. Co. 5.g6 Richard 5tickley 19.13 <br /> Ind, & Aiich. Elec. Co. J. E. 4�?alz Garage 351.50 <br /> McClave Printing Co. 12.85 J. E. Ylalz Garage 315.00 <br /> Motorola� Inc. 58.�+5 <br /> FIRE DEPARTbtENT: Chief Andrze�eorski tiras present and matters pertaining <br /> to his department were discussed. <br /> An application for the Fire Department t�ras approved and ordered filed <br /> for Peter John Ciula, <br /> The Chief infor�ed the Board of a slight accident involving a Fire <br /> Depart�ent car and one oomed by A;rs. G, E, i!iars. <br /> The Board approved a change in the style of the uniform to be rrorn <br /> by the Fire Department. The coat to be a three button double breasted <br /> coat of I:ersey Cloth and the uniform to be of 18 oz, all wool Pfetcalf or <br /> American serge. There will also be a change in the style of cap. The <br /> change to be r�ade as, the �en buy new uniforms. , , <br /> Three letter bids ti�rere received on the purchase o£ an adding maching <br /> for the Fire Department as follows : Burroughs Adding. I!achine CoMpany� <br /> �292. 50; Rer�ington Rand� Inc. , �265.00; Victor Adding b"achine Company� <br /> �220.50. The Board accept�ed the bid of the .Victor Adding i.achine Company� <br /> their bid being the lowest bid received. , <br /> POLICE DEPARTh1EI�iT: Chief Everett was present and ma.tters pertaining to <br /> his .department were discussed. . <br /> , The Chief informed the Board that Ralph _D. Light having passed the , <br /> physical examinations given by the City DoctQr and the Pension Doctor he <br /> was ,returned to active duty as of October 7� �19�+8� pursuant to the order <br /> of this Board on September 28� 19�+8. . . , . <br /> Edward S. Slaby having passed physical examinations given by the City <br /> Doctor and the Doctor appointed by the Police Pension Fund Trustees is now <br /> appointed as a probationary policeman for a period of nine months� durin� <br /> which time he shall receive the cor�pensation of a man on probationary b�Sis. <br /> His appointment is effective this date. <br /> t�ir. Robert Hall� representino the St. Joseph County Council of Ind- <br /> ustrial Organizations� was granted permission toluse a loud speaker on a <br /> trucY, from October 11 to November 2� inclusive. , <br /> Three bids having been received for tY:e painting of the police Patrol� ' <br /> the bid of the Daleiden Auto Body Cor!pany� in the a.MOUnt of �475.00� was <br /> accepted. <br /> LEGAl IIHPARTA9EPdT: A notice was filed with the Board indicating that a <br /> claim will be filed against the City for injuries sust�ined on August 20� <br /> 1948 at 114 UJest Colfax Avenue� by Erma L, Martin who resides at the Colfax <br /> Hotel. The City Attorney asked the Chief of Police to make an investigation <br /> of the facts. <br />