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� <br /> 2�4 °� <br /> � <br /> c� <br /> � <br /> JL•'iCTi;IC!!L D,P:�:�I_:'?II^: Iir, ;,illiar.i �ualls� Supe:ir'i,endent� z:ras prescnt C <br /> ar_d r__�tters n�rt�inin� to iiis departr�:en� �rerc d:�scussed. <br /> l:r. Jt,alls iniorr?ed the �,o�_rd that rhillip� a 1?ne?:iun in '�is <br /> ciepar�r.icnt� sustained �n injury to his leFt Soot on July 19� z�r'_�.ich <br /> caused_ a °racture of riis toe, . <br /> :ir. (�ualls infornecl the �oard ti�a.t street lights ordered in a.t <br /> Dunhar� and Olive Strects� Lindcn and ::uey Streets� V�ssar and College <br /> Strccts ard at the erd oi' Robinhood Lane had all been ins�alled und irerc <br /> no.� in service� and also a liLht �rhich h�d bcen turned out on Irvin�ton <br /> Street near ',:arine �treet had Leen �urred on, <br /> There xe�n�; no further busincss to co�::c hefore the �o�rd� thc r.:eet- <br /> ing :r:�s ;cljcurned at 17_:�+5 A.:i. <br /> AT�1'�'�^l : <br /> � Q . �e..«�. ` Chairr:an �� <br /> �—� ClerY. <br /> Au�ust 2, 1i�+3 <br /> A :e�ular r�eetin; of the i;o�.rd of Puplic Saiety ;ras hcld on I;onday� <br /> nu�ust 2� 19�2 at 10:0q A.Ii, A11 r.:enbers �.rcre prescnt. T`_inutes oiPthe <br /> l�st ncetin� �:erc read nnd a.pProved. . �a1ar� clair:� in the a;nount ol <br /> ';;�+3�16�;-,16 t;ere approvecl and orclered paid, Clair.s, of the follc�rin� <br /> su,,pliers in thc amount of ;?5�+1.41 �:ere approved wnd ordered paid: <br /> �usiness �ystens u 55.57 Ideriorial :Iospitnl � 17.50 <br /> �usiness ;�ster:s 7,G6 Pctcrson Printin� Corp. 9.00 <br /> ::n�let,00ci 1�lec, Supply 2�+.Q6 �adio DistriLuting Co, 55.93 <br /> General Sheet ;_etal ;;orks �+.75 i,aciio Distributin^ Co, 9. �* <br /> Jo:.n fi�te . 180.00 P,adio Distributing Co, 15.�+0 <br /> Hur:•rich Iron Co�:p�ny �+6,13 Scnilling 's 3.32 , <br /> I:cCaffery Co, 6.�;4 Singer Gcneral lire 1.00 <br /> I-.cClave Frintin;_ Co, . j. 50 South Bend Sun-p�;� Co, 3.85 <br /> A. G. P'eier u Co, 86.05 ?deisbcrger �ros. . 8.91 <br /> i�IRE D?�PAP^1,��ITi: Chief :lndrzejeirsl:i tras �p:esent und n?at�crs rert^inin� <br /> Go his departr;ent were discussed.. , . <br /> FOLIC?,' D�FA�^:�I1i: Chief �verett tiras present and r:atters pertairing to <br /> 1}is d.epart?..ent .tirere discusseci. , . <br /> The Chiei informed the }�o�,'rn that l�e tiras .in need oi' ��•ro notorc;�cles <br /> cnd the ClerL- of the �o�rd -:�as d.irected to adverti�e for said rotorcycics <br /> trith bids to i;e returna�le on the loth day of Au�us,t� 191:8, <br /> The Air Force ;�ssociation �ras �rantcd per*�ission to hold a parade <br /> on thc C�ty S i.reets on Scpten�:oe_� 12�� 1;�-8, , <br /> "!'ne Old 'letcrans Auto:�:obile l�ssociation �:as �ranted reri_,.ission to <br /> hold a parade o?1 the citf st�^cets o�? At1;u�t ;� 1��t8. <br /> Seven renbcrs o� tre Folice Pistol Tean �:rere au�horized to attencl � <br /> Rifle a.�:d Pi�tol i'_atch �nd a ��irearr: school, at Ot;,a�.�o.� C:,n�.aa on Au�ust <br /> 9th to 13th irclusive. <br /> Perr,.ission tras granted to l:old a Vetcrans Farade on the City �treets' <br /> on :.u;ust '7� 191�-�. <br /> FsLLCiR�CIsL D�,P:�RT:_�i;T: Pir. �lillian Gua11s� Superi.^.ter_uent� .ta_s p'resent <br /> and r_wtters per�ainin� to his depart,::cnt rtcre discussed, <br /> A letter ,�as receivecz from C, 3. Snider re;,rarciing zhe ins�all�tion <br /> oi a street li;ht at St. Joseph �.nd at. �Tincent atrcets and ;:as referred <br /> to 1"r, Quulls ior investigutlGY7. <br /> Petitions for strcet lights on I_e-�ble rvenuc betz�een Dupail {�nd <br /> ;1est Bruce �treet and at lhirt;�-second S�reet and i:�sha*::a1=a elvenue trere <br /> refer��ecl �o i`s. �u�.11s for invest��;ation and report. <br />