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� <br /> 23� <br /> yL;C?RICAL D:PAR^1i_;�T_1T: Tir. ?�?=11iaM Oualls, Sui erintendent, ilas present <br /> and n^tters pertaining to lZis departr.ient 1�rere discussed, <br /> ;;r. �ualls recomneded tne in�tallation of a stree� li,ht at the �nter <br /> scction of Californil and Adar:s Streets and also �t the intersection of <br /> Clove: and i,uskin Street�, The �oard� upon his recoms:endation� directed <br /> PIr. Qualls to order the liohts installed. <br /> t-'s. !�ualls infor:�ed the Fonrd that lights ordercd in at Clyde and <br /> Altgeld �trccts and Cnlvert nnd nobinson Streets had been installed and <br /> tirerc no�r in service. <br /> There being no further business to cor.le before the �oard� the r.:ceting <br /> �a�s adjourr_ed at 11:30 �l.ii. <br /> ATTLSi: <br /> Chairr.ian <br /> v� ���-�.- <br /> C1er�— <br /> Jul�r 26� 1;1�3 <br /> A re�ular r..eet-n� of the �oarci oi Public S^.�et;,* �re� iield on ;iondaf� <br /> July 26� 19�+3 at 10:00 :,i`, iir. Eaer :ras absent. "�nutcs of the <br /> last nec�ing t;erc rcud ar.r', �r;;roved, . Clair.:s of the foLo;rin�; supilic^s <br /> in the amount of ?72�LF']8,20 :.ere ap;;ro�cd and ordcred paid; <br /> Sam �erMan y�142,26 Janesville Anparel Co, i;1 21.96 <br /> Sa.r� ,,err:an 94,2�+ Fre^ont Lenler 25,00 <br /> Sarz , 1�6,05 The - Linde :�ir Froducts Co. ,60 <br /> Sam ^er;�an 9� �;� Lii_den �?ard:rare 9.75 <br /> Sar, �er:;ian , 123. 57 Linden Hardtr�re 1�5,00 <br /> Buszness Systens 39,6g I:arion iruc!:in; Co, 3,00 <br /> Citf ,Life i'ublishin� Co. 6, �0 9, G. i"eier C_ Co. 2�+,60 <br /> C_tJ `r;ater i:orl.s 6,a5 A, G, l:eier £c Co. , liF7.�5 <br /> City •:rater ?,"or'_,s 2.85 ilor.. Ir_d, `.ho1, .Groc. Co, 17.i0 <br /> Continent^1 0_1 �o. . 22j, 50 0 'B�icn Corp, 1,�2 <br /> Depurtr.:ent of rublic Farl.s ,96 0 'Brien Corp• 5E.7� <br /> Charles DcJlcescno;�cr 1,L0 Off=ce Sun,ly �.: �iuiptrent 'J,00 <br /> En�le�tood �lec. Sunpl� L,�+4 Dr. �. L. P�i;;ley �.CO <br /> '�nvlc;;ood �lcc, Supply 9,2j 3.25 <br /> Harr� T. �=rerett 10.75 El:?:er Sol:ol 13,70 <br /> Gerber ;`anuiacturin� Co, 'J21,�-5 �out_z �end Supply Co, 5.63 <br /> Llnora IIartnan 17.25 George .iczich 'J,50 <br /> Ir.C,iana �ell i'elephone Co, 2�,�'J Jai:1e� s�. ^_reveg 15.00 <br /> Jane�ville A;-u:el �o, 2�b.66 �;;�stern IIr_ion ?cl. :;o, 8,6'] <br /> Jca7ccville slp,,.^rel Co. Fi8,10 I Indiar_a �cll "elephone i),9% <br /> P� IP� DLFAR^_?�i:T: Chief ��drzejetirs�:i sra� pre�ent and natters y,crt�inin� to <br /> his depart;,:ent ;:crc discussccl, � <br /> The Chiei ti;as autiiorized to atter_d �he Indiana Fi~e Cliiefs Convention <br /> in :,_clvaor.d� Indiw~�a •in �epter.:be�, <br /> POLICE D'Y��PITlT,i?i: Cii?ef �verett �:;as pre�ent and matters pertainin� to <br /> hia dep�rtM:er_t ;:cre discussed. <br /> A special Police corrission tras approved a^d. o�dcred held for bond <br /> 'for Joscph .lncicr�on. <br /> Garol;�n �Iunderlich� a clert- in tk.e Police Departr�ent� presented her <br /> resi�nation as of �u�ust 23� li�`�. �ne Ao�rci accepted said resi�nation. <br /> C,:ief �veret� ;�as autnorized to attcnd a Board r.�:eetin� of the Governor' s <br /> Indiana iraific S�fet;* Council in Ir_d_ianapolis on ';redi�esda�:*, Jttly 28ti:, <br />