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� <br /> 23T <br /> Frank Eucz1_.olasl:i� Bcrnard ?�ielton� Aloysius ;7cisel� Joseph Iladaras� <br /> Julius [;entland� Alc,cander i:a�y and ??udolph Pinter, Tne roard� upon the <br /> Chief' s recom�endution� directed that these r.�en be madc perr.:anent . mernbers <br /> of the Departr:ent. <br /> POLICE D�PARl,°i.idT: Chief Bverett l�as present and natters pertaininv to his <br /> department orere discussed. <br /> A coiruiunication uras received from Edward F, idetter�ren, dated July 6, <br /> 191t-8 and addressed to the Chiei of ?ol?ce and tk.e �oa,rd of Sa.fety. S�id <br /> co�-raunication lras in the nature of a resignation in which ;:r, �r.'etter;,ren <br /> states the fact that he is remainin� in Caliiornia for his fa.nily' s health. <br /> Pursuant to said co*;u;:unication� the order of dismissal hereinbefore entered <br /> is changed to read tnat thc L'oard accepts the resignation of the said <br /> Officer i:'etter�ren. <br /> Chief Everett �aas authorized to attend � Meeting in India.napolis on <br /> July 13� 1G43, <br /> Dina De5toop requested a leave of absencc fron her duties in the rolice <br /> Depart��ent from Septe�nber lst to October 15th. Said leave tr�s �ranted. <br /> This beino the date set� bids t�erc received for the purcnase of five <br /> cars and one trucl, cna.ssis to Le used as a Patrol, for the Police, Department, <br /> The followino bids lrere opened and read: <br /> Scherman-Schaus-!�ree;^an Co. ilon-collusion ufiidavit and certified <br /> South bend� Indiuna checl. accoi-panied bid <br /> • 5 li'�+8 StudeUa'_:er ChamPion DeLtu:e Coaches <br /> • at : y>1622.75 �8�1E13.75 <br /> ° Less discount 1 1 CO <br /> . , � 7,276.75 <br /> , Less F'ederal Tvv � 399.75 <br /> - � 6,8'7'7.o0 <br /> ' � Trade in on cars i5, 56,57,58, 59 2��7�,00 <br /> Tot�.i ;; �+,502,00 <br /> L. 0. Gates Cnevrolet <br /> South Bend� Indian� Idon-collusion affidavit <br /> 1 19�+8 Chevrolet 1 ton chassis nnd P^nel qodf as <br /> per bid � 1�6�+9.60 <br /> Fresh air heater ar_d defroster 60,00 <br /> Ri�ht au.v, seat 28. 55 <br /> Een P:edolt� Inc, non-collusion af�id�vit <br /> 1 Dodge P:odel BID-126 l ton chassis as per <br /> bid i 1�3)�-.25 <br /> Proctor-�eefe Police Patrol body ;r2,150.00 cxtra <br /> Proctor-Iieefe police putrol body D-332 i�1750.00 extra <br /> 1 Do3ge I.del UIB-lOB 1/� ton panel y�1�56�+,�+0 <br /> If successful bidder they 1ri11 allo�•r ;�100, 00 on the <br /> ' 1936 Studeba_;er patrol. <br /> Tne Eoard accepted the bid of Scherr.:an-Schaus-Frecman Cor_zpan;� for the <br /> five police cars� and they accepted th^ oid of L. 0. Gatcs for the 1 ton <br /> chas�is� it being� in the L�oard ' s opinion� the lotrest and best bid received, <br /> L. 6. G�tes prescnted a let�er �rherein they in3icated the� ,rould allo�r <br /> �50.G0 on the 1�36 StudebaY,er patrol. This :ras accepted, <br />