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�.30 � � <br /> � <br /> at a.ny other tine subsequent thereto to the present date, Thereupon C� <br /> the Board discus�ed this matter fully and unaninously agreed that the C=7 <br /> said Edward F, llettergr.en be� and he is hereby� disnissed from the C <br /> South Bend Police Depa�tment for failure to report for duty. <br /> �.LEC^1RICAL DF.PARTIIE?uT: Air. �Jilliam Qualls� Superintendent� t�ras present <br /> and natters pertaining to his departn:ent �;cre discussed. , <br /> 2"r. Qualls recor�riended the installa.tion of a street light at St. <br /> V�ncent and St. Joseph Streets. The Eoard a�i;roved this recor^mendation <br /> and directcd t-ir, C�'ualls to order the light in�t�� led, <br /> i•ir, Qualls recomnended that a light �rhich t�tas turned off during <br /> the taar at the end of iiobin Hood Lane be turned on. The Board directe3 ' <br /> 2Ir. �ualls to order the light turned on. <br /> PIRE DEPARTI�TIT: Casiriir 6d. RzepY.a having nassed physical exaMinations <br /> given by the City Doctor and the Doctor appointed b-r the Firer�en �' s <br /> Pension �znd Trustees� is no�r appo-nted as a probationary nember of the <br /> rire Departnent for a period of sis r.:onths� during �•rhich time he shall <br /> receive the conp ensation of inen on a probationary basis. This becor�es <br /> effective July 4� 19�+8. <br /> bJEIGHTS c: P•�r�ASURES: Mr. Charles �urns� Ci,t;� Sealer� filed his report <br /> for the noi�th of June� 19�+8 and also his annual report for the year 194�. <br /> A letter 4ras presented tq the Bo�xd from Dr, .Harry Slominslri on <br /> T:r. Burns physical condition„ , . <br /> • There being no .further business tq come before the Board� tne <br /> neeting tras adjourned at 11:�+5 A.r4, , <br /> ,ATTEST: . �'`'�� <br /> . ; � '"� , Chaii nan <br /> L`" '!/:� .. �-�.__ .� , <br /> . ;� Clerk . . <br /> ; July 12� 1;�+8 � ' <br /> • A regular rleeting of the �oard of public Saiety tiras neld ,on I`onday� <br /> July 12� 1)4�i at 11:15 A.2•1. All �embers �aere present, ,Iiinutes of the <br /> � Meeting were read and approved. C1air..s in the ,amoun� of .N2�609.b'7 <br /> ttere approved a.nd ordered paid: , , , e <br /> S� 3erMan � 95. 59 I�enry Ecitler T1fg. Co. $?179.52 <br /> San ierman 93.�-1 Hcnry .�cl:ler t;fg, Co, 50.00 <br /> Sar.i Eerr.lan 75.03 En�letaood Elec, Supply 1.72 <br /> Business Systems �-.06 Gu;� Gilligan 3.�� <br /> Caprenter ;:f�;, Co. 3.97 Ind. G I?ich. E1ec, Co. 57.96 <br /> Churci�ill 2;ig. Co, 39.2'7 Indian P:otorc;�cle Sales �-.70 <br /> City t?ater �;orY.s 185.77 Indian Iiotorcycle Sales 33.3� <br /> Consolidated Te;:tile Ind. 112,2� J�nesvill� Apnarel Co, 23.72 <br /> �ienry Eckler P:fg, Co, 60.68 Janesville Apparel Co, 10.02 <br /> Henry Ecl.lcr hif�. Co. 3�+.98 I-tal;iels'_.i 4rt Shop 28.50 <br /> Henry �ci:ler Pifg, Co. 1£32.62 A. G. �•_eier �_ Co. 3i•� <br /> Hcnry iffg. Co. 12.60 Camiel 1-`.onserez 2. 5� <br /> I�enry ickler I.fg. Co. 122.36 TSor, Ind, Pub. Ser. Co. �+9.d+ <br /> Henry i,ckler i•.fg. Co, 1�+.85 Scherman-,Schaus-,i�reeman 380,09 <br /> Henry �cl;ler P-;fg. Co, 1�+0.�+0 H. H. Slo:�insYa 9.G0 <br /> Henrf Bc�ler P-_fg. Co. 1�+5.4'J L, r,. Van De�Ialle 10.00 <br /> Hcnry Ec�;ler Ilfg. Co. 31.16 6�lilson Pro�hers 208.00 <br /> i3enry Lckler �Iifg. Co, 88.51 IIenry Ecl:ler i:`fg. Co. 8�+.50 ' <br /> FIRE DEPART2��'T1T: Chief Andrzeje��rsri ��r4s present and Ma.tters perta.ining <br /> to his departrlent trere discussed. <br /> Ernest Decl:er having completed r:ore t�ian t�renty-£ive years on the <br /> • Fire Department petitioned to retire on <1u�ust l, 1S'�+8. ^1he Board <br /> accepted Ilis resigrwtion. <br /> An application for the r?re ,7epartr.ient �ras approved and ordered <br /> filed for P,a;�nond i�ichard I'icins?:i. <br /> The Chief presented a letter �aherein '"he indicated that the follo;a- <br /> ing men had successfully passed their prob�tionary period and he t�rould <br /> reco.*urend that they be made perinanent raenl�ers of the I'ire Departr..ent: <br />