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193 <br /> " Resignations from the Fire DepArtment v+ere presented by Ladislaus <br /> � I�"Jegner and Joseph Fearkes. Both men have served more than thirty-seven <br /> years on the Department. The resignations were accepted by the Board, to <br /> take effect� on Februar�* 1, 1948, the men being granted the customary fa.fteen <br /> days given on retirement. . <br /> Chief Andrze�ewski presented the annual report of the Fire Departz:ient <br /> for the year 1947. <br /> POLICE DEPA�?7.TrTEidT: Chief Everott was present and matters pertaining to <br /> his department i^rere discu�sed. <br /> ' An application for the Police Department was approved and ordered <br /> filed for GeraldRudolph Haag. <br /> The Jr. Chamber o£ Comr,ierce, represented by Mr. Ross SAndford and <br /> 0. C. Carr�ichael, Jr., came be£ore the Board to ask permission to erect <br /> a booth on the sidewalk on South Michigan Street for the purpose of <br /> collecting donations for the °P.4arch of Dimes," The Board granted them <br /> permission to erect the booth directly in front of Robertson Brothers <br /> Store flush with tho curb, but did not grant their request to make that <br /> block a no parking zone for theperiod the booth in up . <br /> Rev. C. J. 4'Jitucki, Pastor of St. Casimir Church, came before the <br /> Board and presented a letter rrherein he requested that a policevroman be <br /> assigned for traffic on the corner of South Plalnut and �:�est Dunham Street. <br /> This tras referred to the Chief for investigation. <br /> A report rJas received frora Dr. Pdikesch indicating that Joseph <br /> VJroble.^rski, a Police officer erho is on disability pension, is physically <br /> able to return to active duty. The Board directed that I;Ir. 19roblev�ski <br /> be examined by Dr. Slominsl:i and the Clerk was directed to �vrita P.4r. <br /> �Vroblerrski a letter telling hici so to do. <br /> John Ranschaert, a Police of£icer, t�as granted thirty days sick <br /> leave . effective January 1, 1948. <br /> ' �L�CTRICAL DEPAR'ITdENT: I,ir.. l7illiam Qualls, Superintendent, ti^ras present <br /> and matterspertaining to his departr�ent r�ere discussed.. <br /> 2.�r. Qualls presented a report on a request for a stree,t light at <br /> the alley intersection �lest of Chapin Street, in vrhich he indicates that <br /> there are tti�o 2500 Business District �pe li�hts located on Chapin Street <br /> at the entrance to I;:onroe Street and at the intersection of Iionroe and <br /> Pine Streets there is• a 4000 luraen street light. Thereforo, TRr. Qualls � <br /> opinion is that for all street purposes there is sufficient li�hting in_ <br /> the block referred to in the petition. The Board thereupon denied the <br /> request for a street light at said alley intersection. <br /> nSr. Ja�es Povrell presented a petition for a fire alarm box in the • <br /> River Ridge and Boulevard Park Additions. This tivas referred to Mr. Qualla <br /> for investigation. <br /> �9EIGHTS Ec T.T'r�1SUR� : t.7r. Charles Burns, City Sealer, filed his report for <br /> the vreek ending January 10, 1948. <br /> There being no further business to before the Board, the neetir� <br /> rras ad journed at 2:45 P.Li. <br /> ATTEST: ������� , J ,.��J <br /> �� <br /> � .�- ��i� Chairman <br /> ' —T Clerl: . <br />