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17'7 <br /> Indinna '?ell lelephone .;r 15.81 ?., Peri�o i� 55.00 <br /> ind. .- :,-ich, �lec. Co. n0,�0 �dc:ard Vete�^� 4,a_7 <br /> Ind. �: ;iich. '�lec. Co. , 27.6�' A, Preb-*s . 2,00 <br /> Janesvillc; l�pr�rel Co, 2G,76 3ecreation ��uipr.ient Co. ?,00 <br /> Janesville l,oparel Co. 24,25 :�o�al-iy�err:iter Co. 3.25 <br /> Jc210SV'11�.0 :'�•7A7'EZ CO. a3��.'J�i �.°iC�1P,Y"".-CiI7—JC:7£lU5—:Y'P.E?:!c1T1 n.1.�' <br /> Janesville ^p�arel Co. 36,51 Sche'r.:_an-Sc'�iaus-T'r�e:aan 7.01 <br /> Janesville <lnparel Co, 46.J_1 Schi.11in,,� s Inc. II,55 <br /> :io:te 3ro�, 45.60 Sneehan iire Service 9II.15 <br /> J. C, Lauber Co, 7,a.0 South 3end Lt:;:ber Co, a0,50 <br /> �'he lienric Co. 11.39 South 3end Supnl�* Co. II2,74 <br /> The LicCaffor� Co. �,?,� Standa_d Cil Co. 100.00 <br /> ' 7'cClave lrirtin^� Co, 37,50 J, �, ',7alc Gara^;e 163.30 <br /> IicClave Printin� Co, 5°.50 '.7est Side Hardr;c�e 25.17 <br /> y'�_f��s.*n1:2',ra.-3 ?er. ?-edoct 12.68 „eat Side Harcc;are n.05 <br /> :;estern IInion lele�;ranh l,�S �d•,�;trd J, '.;liite 18.00 <br /> rI?Z: D3P '3Ti.��L;?: C'�ic;f iio�:rard r�as nresent a.^d rnat*e:s pertainin� to his <br /> denart.;ent ��ere di�cussed. <br /> �i letter r�a� received frori the Firer.�en�s Pens;on Pund ^rustees <br /> irdicatin;; that Joacph L. 3urz�*ns1_-i had been accc�nted _'or retire�:.^.nt <br /> ePfective as of October 16, 1947 and that 3alent_r.e dablonsl.i �ad been <br /> nccented ior disaUilit^ pc�nsion as of Cctober 2, 1947. ^he Doarci accented <br /> both re�imnations, <br /> i�y+unl; J, ?=anijak nav=n� p2ssed ph;ysical e,�uninations �,iven b� the <br /> Cit; Doctor and the �octer a�pointed 'o�,- tnc� Eirenen's �ension rund ^rusteea <br /> is ro•,-r apnointed a� a �robationare :7er:ber of the ?ire DFO�rt^:ent r�ith his <br /> salar^* to be tha+ of �7en on a probationary baais. I'r, iianijak rras di:ected <br /> to �eno_°t to Chief Ho�,rnrd fo^ a�si^�ne:-te^t to dut? on Octob:;r 16, 1947. <br /> ° U:�on tne Ch;.ef�s recer.:�erdation, th� �folloc:=r.r r..en rre:e pro:noted <br /> b�,- £ne 3oz_d: Lienten�nt ^eor^e reltz to th� ranl: of Captain• Lieutenznt <br /> �ranl: �lorl.o;-rs�:i to thn ran'•: of Captain; Joseph Sicr�dzki to tne ranl: of <br /> Lieuter.ant; "�rr.est Decl_er to tho ra:i:; o,^ T,ieutenant all to efiective <br /> ' a� of OctoUcr 1G, 19�7, � <br /> ,o:�ert �d�aard '''aecilter �;as annointed 'to ti.e �i-re Denart^ent 'subjc;ct <br /> to nis aoility tio paas nn���ical es�.°iinations ^iven by the C1ty Doctor und <br /> tr� 'Docto_� a ppointed '05* tl.e '_'i:s:-:en' s Yer.sion rund =rustees. <br /> PQLIC: D:iP.1:�li:;iT'_': Cnie£ Everett �,;as present and 'r.�attery nertainin�= to <br /> his 'denart�ent �:�ere disc�.ssed. ' " ' - <br /> ' iirs, ^entner, rFpresent?n� the Dau^Y:£er� o_ Union Vet�ran�, ca:ie " <br /> before the ^oard to asi_; ncr:':; ss-on to sell florrers on the Cit�* Strec.ts on <br /> thF laot Saturda;; in _^:pr-1, 1�48, ^he �oard �ranted ner:::ission, <br /> l�ne Chief nresented his ^e�ort ior t?ie r.!onth of Sentenb�-.r, 1947. <br /> b.n anplic�tion for the Police Dcnart�ent �ras approved and orde-red <br /> iiled for Josc�nii Ciionod�r, Jr. ' <br /> �1 Special ?olice Co:;�r:ission and 'oon.:l •,;ere app:ored and o.dered �iled <br /> 6or Tnorbjorn IIaa�enru� and a Sn�cial Police bond �.ias annroved and o^dered <br /> filed i'or ?=artin _ . Jablonn'_c=, <br /> Jos.en;i Lav3tt tendered 'nis resi�r.ation fro.:. the Police Denart::�nt <br /> cnd _t r;us acceptecl by the roard. <br /> ' � ^he iolloi:�_r..-; :-;en r;�re annointcd to t'r.e °olice De�a�tment havin^ <br /> P��y�a Physical "c;;w�inations biven b; tnc Cityr poctor and +he Doctor <br /> apno`�nted b;� t}ie Dol�_ce Fensior. :':md ^rustees, ^ne r.ien �re ap��ointed ior <br /> a nine :nont�s -�robationarn; aeriod �nd their s�la^-r r:ill Ue t'�at oS r:ien on <br /> a probutionary basis: su^e:�e �, ;�;r�^an, Ra�:�^ond� _ ' �taun and :�d�:rard J. <br /> Duds_nsl;i, T;1P,Y ::P.:'P, directed to re-�o;t ier dut�r on October 1S, ana tr�ir <br /> lpnointrient is noc� cor.iir:::ed, y <br />