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1 "I6 � � <br /> � <br /> �l��IG'r'�1S �.i� � �_�SLTn�S: �.�r. Charles 3urns, City Sealer, filed 'nis repo^t C=7 <br /> � <br /> £or the rreet; �endin� Sentet7ber. `_'.7, 19c7. `-� <br /> . The:e b�in� no further business to co::e beiore the Board� t'r!e r.zeet- <br /> in� r;as adjourned at 11: �0 :�..i. <br /> !il� 'J�' . � <br /> .� �ii.�//�.Y � " ! L/LC'� �'. c ... Yl <br /> -' C l, rl: / . ' . / <br /> ` . . - <br /> . . October 2� 1947 . , <br /> - A Special i.:e,etin� of the �oard of Public Sa±'ety tiras held on Thursday <br /> October 2, 19n7 at 2: 30 P.i.;. . t:r, iiont�oriert* rras abs�nt. . . <br /> �he r�ce,ting r;as called ior the pur�ose of an�ointin� necr r!en to <br /> tre Police D�.partr.ier.t. . <br /> �;aving paased phJ�ical e,>ar.sinations civen oy t'r_e Cit�r poctor and <br /> the Doctor annointed by t'�e Police Pension i und ^rua�ee-s t'r.e fol].o:�ain;; <br /> r.ien are norr apnoznted as nrobatior.ary rie:ioe::s of the Police Depart�.ent <br /> for a neriod of nine months, durin� crhich ti:^e the? shall rec.^,iae t'r.e <br /> �alu:� for :.ien on a proUationar�, oasis: 3icha_d �r�er;;* °adics, ^i:ormas <br /> B. ^rant, Jr. , �dcrard ' :iaryzecrs?;i, Cor::elius I;ichol�, John Richard <br /> i:iez�onsl.i, John t�'ranl: •Pajor, ??ayr.�ond i"I10:1�_S PPZ�bj1S1C-� 3ernard Josenii <br /> �e_te:, �ichard C . Scneibelhut, Robert �ichard L'r�on�l.i, nredericl: ,rillieri <br /> Voss, and 'i;ayne L�e ::elcor.:e, ihe above r.'�en rterc directed to report for <br /> duty on October 6, 1947 excentin�; Cornel=us i;icl.ols r�ho r�as to renort on <br /> Gctober 7, 1°47, <br /> ihe Clc:r:: of the 'oard r:as nut'r_or�zed to adve:rtise for s�le, t'_�e <br /> trro StUGP,pB}cer Police cars r;�ich i,�e-re �,rE,ciced anci ��rl:ich are to be sold <br /> for sal�;are, i;id� to oe r:.turnable on Ocb�er 27, 1947, <br /> The C1erL oi the 3oard �•�as auti�orized to purcnase one t'_zree-rrhe.^,l ' <br /> s�rvi-car on the onen :^:arret ��nd trade in a used Servi-car o��ned bv t?z� <br /> police dc;nartr,ient. <br /> �here bein� no furt?zer busin::s: to coi:�e before t::e �o� d, tne n_eet- <br /> =n;, �:ras adjourned at J:JO P.;,=. <br /> � ' <br /> `�\n�'LJ ' : <br /> r� -1 / <br /> � �G s s%.'.�i� ��y��t'✓ ���i:l&11'::3I7 <br /> C,1f:",� <br /> 1 � <br /> � � <br /> October 14, 19i7 <br /> 1'_ T'E�L:�^I' ?`1!',f't.].ri� Oi j".'I_E; ?'�O£l1'n Of' i�'UfJ11C :i`J.iOt'.�' 1'/Li3 'fl(;ZC1. OII lUCSC�^J�7 <br /> OctoUer 1`, 19�7 at 10:00 �.:=. ?,:r. !Lndr;;ra?al: rras absent. ;.:inutes of t:�e <br /> last r,ic�et?n� �;;ere read und ano-roved, Salar� clai::s in the �s1oL:nt oi <br /> ;3?,442,3H ��;�re anproved and ordered na=d, Clair..s of the follo�ain� <br /> �upplic�rs in, the ar.zount oi !;r'l,639.81 ���ere ����roved and ordered paid: <br /> John .lndert '� ?.�3�? A. G. ::eicr w Co, y,12E3.60 <br /> 1`SZF%.°. l�ndrZe�t%'ii,i1:1 r.n.��.rJJ 1'�• r:• ;.=eier �.: CO� Z�J��.r7 <br /> JO.^..Ci711 ''�.1TflIlf `.�O�S.3 ;• �'r• i..�.12:' �: CO� C7r`�..�'TJ <br /> �OC�'f�UAI'CZ i.l'�,�• �i0• G��7aJ !�• �• 9'.C1EY' C7 �i0• J�J� <br /> °_reh�er �lec, Go. 24.46 1'.. G, i'eier £� Co. 6.00 ' <br /> �re?ir�er ��lec. Co. £3.85 :.:e::orial -_osnital 10.8� <br /> Bucz�rnsl;i De7t. 3tore 18.00 G. �. iieyer �: Son 1.43 <br /> Bus=r.ess Syste:as �.47 G. � I:eyer � �on 10.Q�B <br /> 3usiness S3*steris 5.29 ?:ine�.safety l.pnliznce �o. 33.37 <br /> Business Syste;:�s 1.46 L?ine Sai'et;;* !!npliance Co, 149.14 <br /> �Ltr?:e' s i:btion Pictttre Co. 95.00 .;illiam ilanieralslci 11.50 <br /> DaviFS LaundrJ �; Cieanin� 5,45 I"oisele:ss Y;indo�:r Sp�ir.^ Co. 9.7G <br /> Ii. T. '�verett 10.�0 _:or. Ind. Pub, :,er. Co. 27.4£3 <br /> Gerber i.if�,. Co. 10'7.25 i'or. Ind. Pub, Ser. Co. 1,00 <br /> Gerber ::fr�, �o. 7.00 ^he Ohio Oil Co. 105.91 <br /> ;�untin�ton Laboe.ratories 43.09 `Pne Chio Oil Co. 82.>.65 <br />