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1 �J <br /> After a discussion the Board handed doem the follovrin� deciaion: <br /> From evidence tirhich has oeen given befo:e the 3oard, and �•ihich has <br /> been fully considered, the Board feels that the reauest for a leave o£ <br /> absence arises out o£ a di£ferer_ce betrreen the of£icer and his Superior <br /> Officer over a matter of policy vrith �zhich the officer is not concernod, <br /> and �re believe it is not �ood policy for this Board to per�it or to �rAnt <br /> a reque�t for a leave of absenco ethich arises out of differences such <br /> as these and therefore Oificer 1.,cCarroll� s request for a leave of absence <br /> is denied, , <br /> There beinP no further bu�iness to come before the �oard� the meetin� <br /> ��ras adjourned at 12:15 P.i'. <br /> ' E1^11�"`�' ° <br /> ✓�1'✓, lJ /��0-�- ':%.A:� airCan ��� '\ <br /> • Cle r � <br /> ' . <br /> ' au�ust 25, 1�J47 <br /> A re�,na.lar meetino of the BoArd of Public Safety ti'�as hcld on I,�onday <br /> l+ugust 25, 1947 at 10:00 A.i�. I,ir. Curnnin�s eras absent. I.`inutes oi the <br /> last r.ieetin� ��ere read and approved. Salary* clains in the ar.:otitnt of <br /> ;,�33,189,13 r�ere approved and ordered paid. Clains in the a^iount of <br /> s;�3,796.90 rrere app:oved and ordered paid: <br /> Business �r 6.61 H. J, f-ollar ;� 4.50 <br /> Business Syster.;s � 3.79 ihe iicCaffer� Co. 1.58 <br /> Business Systens 5.87 ihe I,:cCafferp Co. 21.12 <br /> �usiness �yster:is • 20.73 i:cClave Printin� Co, 18.00 <br /> Business S�s te�s 13.86 I,:cClave Printin� Co. 132.50 <br /> City i7ater '�/orks 584,67 I:cClave Printin� Co. 6.50 <br /> City '��`ater '�lorl:s 8.53 �1, G, LLeier £c Co. 10.50 <br /> City '.later '.:orks 35.52 �. G. ;.:eier E: Co. 3.50 <br /> City '.:'ater :iorks .35 i=orning Pride i._f�.� Co. 1.41 <br /> ' Co�^�ercial Sound £: Radio ' 66�20 I,Iotorola, Inc . 35.46 <br /> Davies Lau.�-idry E: Clelning 25,60 l-iillian �, Ilelson 12.00 <br /> =abricated Steel Products 118.00 I?or. Ind.� Pub. Ser. Co, 29.28 <br /> Geor�e Geltz 4.70 idor. Ind, PiiU. Ser. Co. 1.00 <br /> General Sheet Ir_etal Co. 15.15 The Office in�ineers 2.50 <br /> Gerber I:�f�, Co. 379.50 Tne Onio Oil Co, 61.77 <br /> Gerber F,tf�. Co. 8.75 Police �quipr._ent Co, 62.00 <br /> Gerber I.i£�, Co, 438.50 Radio Distributin� Co. 1.20 <br /> GerUer i;:f�. Co, 596.50 Railrra� �xpress �1�.ency .75 <br /> Gerber 1.if�, Co, 382.25 Stanley 3akozrs�:i 2.49 <br /> GerUer Iif�. Co. 170,00 �ose �: Katz 67.50 <br /> Gorber I.`fg. Co. 6.00 riatt�e Saville 9.25 <br /> ';7illia� Gnoth 3.98 Scher::an-�chaus-i�reer7an 43.07 <br /> Stepnen Guzicki 2.50 Sclzer:an-Schaus-rree:�an 22.28 <br /> John FIite 96.00 Scner:�an-Schaus-=reer.:an 15.13 <br /> Indiana Bell Telephone 60.83 Gustave Schuttrorr 5.62 <br /> Ind. F: I;;ich. �lec. Co, 27.64 H, ri. SloninsL-i, i:i,D. 10.00 <br /> Ind. w I.:ich. �lec, Co, 19.24 South nend �.°.ter:tinat3r.g 6.00 <br /> Ind: �°: ;:ich, �lec, Co. - , 6.04 South Bend iar.iber Co. 5,23 <br /> Ind. €: i:ich, �lec, � Co. 1,76 South iler.d Suppl� Co, 24.73 <br /> A. J, I:ollar 2.00 Standarc Autoraotive Supp15* � 1G.96 <br /> I�, J, hollar 4.00 Standard Oil Company 50,00 <br /> rIR� D�P2Ri:.-.i1T: �lpplications for the �ire Depart�ent rrere apnroved and <br /> ordered filed for• �:+'alter Stanley ;rraniec, and Dean Rolfe Ar�ersin�er. <br /> ' POLICL D�P!�3T;:�iiT: �pplicatioris for the Police Depart:�ent rrere approved <br /> and ordered filed ior Cornelius I:ichols and i:=a.x �iobert Cooner. � - <br /> • Thi� being the date set for receivin� bids for trro 2door sedzns <br /> for the Police Departr:ent, and only one bid havin� been received, seid <br /> bid rras opened �nd read as follo�rs: • . , <br />