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i68 � <br /> � <br /> Au;u�t 18, 1947 � <br /> � <br /> A re�ular neeting of the Bo3rd o£ Public Safety rras held on Tuonday, <br /> �u�ust 18, 1947 at 10:00 A,�•�, Cum.~�in�s i7as absent, T.iinutes o� the <br /> last �eetin� ti•rei�e read and approbed. There rrere no clairss oi suppliers <br /> to be approved. <br /> rIR3 D�P�RTI.�IiT: !ln application for the fire departTMent iras approved and <br /> ordered filed for 'r',arry r�ussel B .o1sn. <br /> Robert �. Derry havin; pas� �d his physical exarninations and having <br /> been accepted by the Firer�en�s P �nsion Fund is no�r appointed as a ter.ipor- ' <br /> ary mer.nber of the Fire Departrient for t�. period o£ sis months, effective <br /> i�u�ust 16, 19?7, and durin� this six r.ionth probationary period is to <br /> receive the salary of the raen •on a probationary basis. <br /> Tne Board accc�pted the bid ��f the Ididr�est Fire and Safety i,quipment <br /> for one Euffalo 750 �allon pumpe at a price o£ -�14,244.80. <br /> POLIC� D�PART1.widT: Anplications for the Police Denartrent taere received <br /> and ordered iiled for Robert Lou s Probst, anc Clflrence Dare I.icGill, Jr. <br /> An application for a special Police conv*�ission and a special Police <br /> bond :rere approved and ordered f�led for l�alter P�uzzard. <br /> A lette: rras received fron Dr. Ii. H. Slonin�lci indicating tnat Carl <br /> Shafer had entirely recocered £rb� his hernia operation and ti•�as, physically <br /> able to return to duty, ihe 3oar� d directed i?r. Sha£er to file a letter <br /> of reinstatement and have an e.tizmination b� the pension Doctor. <br /> The fo�lorrin� officers r:ere ordered by the Board to report to Dr. <br /> ��. H. Slor.iinsl;i £or ph�sical examinations bets�een this date and Septem- <br /> ber 1, 1947: Claude L, Brooks, Yernon L, c�llis, Claude s. Iieller, <br /> Joseph J, LasLo�•rsl:i, Joseph I,avitt, Daniel A. Liartin, '.'Iilliara �rtnan and <br /> LeRoy Pou:e. <br /> L•'L�C^1RIC.�L D�PAi�Ti,.�Isi: :?r. l`iill � Qualls, Superintendent, i^ras present , <br /> and r,zatters pertainin�� to his de artnent t�rere discus�ed. <br /> A Petition for ttiro streot l��hts at Gertrude �nd ?rairie and at <br /> G�rtrude and� Donald Streets rras xeceived and reierred to �ualls for <br /> investi�ation and report. <br /> A petition ,�as received asl;zn� Sor the installation of a street <br /> li�ht at the intersection of Hrra�d and St. Peter Streets and cras re£erred <br /> to Qualls for investigation end report. <br /> l7LIGiITS & i.i:l,SL� ?S: T::r. Charles vurns, City Sealer, filed his report for <br /> the r�eel: endin; Au�ust 1G� 1947. <br /> There bein� no further busir.ess to co�e before the Board, the raeeting <br /> rras adjourned at 12:15 P,I:I, <br /> 11TTE5 i: �� � <br /> �.J�� . <br /> � �/;) �J L Chair�.an <br /> �� i� � <br /> � , <br /> C l eri: <br /> � AugL,st 19, 19a7 <br /> A special meeting of the �o�,rd of Public Safety s��as held on Tuesday, ' <br /> =iugust 19, 1947 at 11:00 4.i.i� P.I;}. Cu,wu:iin�s r;as absent. . <br /> The raeetin� t�as called to clnsider the application of Officer P. J. <br /> ftcCarroll for a leave of absenco �rr�thout pay for a period of tti��o ti^reeks <br /> from Ilugust 19, to September 1, 1�947 both inclusive. Officer ldcCarroll <br /> personall� appeared before the Board. <br />