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1 V FI <br /> Applications for the rire Depart:�ent �-rere approved and ordered <br /> filed for Robert Lerris Riba, ?tussell Kenneth Reece, Eugene Louis Lizzi, <br /> Richard Robert Iirako�^�slci and 'i,alter Ldvrard Ploti�ak. <br /> The Chief inforned the Board that T�umber Three fire station ti:�as in <br /> need of repairs to its cornice, docrospouts and eaves and the Board directed <br /> the Clerk o£ the Board to advertise for said repairs, bids to be received <br /> on Septe:�Uor 2, 1947. <br /> Charles F. Burns and Oscar Van 'iJiele havin� passed physical exa�in- <br /> ations �iven b� the City Doctor and the Doctor appointed by -the Trustees <br /> of the rirenen s Pension r^und and havin� been accepted by the Pension <br /> ' Fund ure nor� appointed as probationary members of the rire Department <br /> effective nugust 16, 1947� for a period of six months. Their salary shall <br /> Ue that of the men on a probationary period. <br /> POLICE D�PdPTi�2dT: Chief �verett rraspresent and r.zatters pertaining to his <br /> departraent rrere discussed. <br /> A Special Police Bond rras approved and ordered i'iled for poan Barnes <br /> and special police conL�issions c�ere annroved for Dean and l�illiam <br /> I:iack. <br /> Applications �'or the Police Depart:nent crere approved and ordered <br /> iiled for :drra�d :i, I3an�zerral;i, Russell c;illiar.m Sterzil., Anthony Gabriel <br /> I�az, Tlzomas Carl Condon, Richard. �r.iery. Badics, Stanley Bert Piotro�°�si:i, <br /> Robe:t Levi '�lilliams, Geor�e Peter Cleppe, �arl lllfred Dhoore and Thomas <br /> Paul R�eszer�s::i. . <br /> A letter t�ras received fron the Chief indicatin� that 0£fice: Leonard <br /> Pastrick had been suspended on Aujust 6, 1947 for violation of Rule I;o. 33 <br /> of the Rules and Re�ulations of the Police Depart:�ent. It r�as the �ecision <br /> of tho 3oard to hold a special meetin� to consider th� evidence in the <br /> case. <br /> �LECTRIC D�PARTi.��Iii: Lir. CJilliari wualls� Superintendent� ti�ras present and <br /> 'r�atters pertaining to his departraent rrere discussed. <br /> T,:r. �ualls infor.:ied the 3oard that the li�ht ordered in at the dead <br /> end oi AL�ond Court had been installed and rras nor� in service. <br /> Il 4000 luraen ;znderground street light located at '�7ashin�ton Street and <br /> i;iles ::venue �•ras struclt by a crane and the iron nost destroyed, it ^.��as re- <br /> placed �:ith a nast arn overhead con�truction on a rrood pole� chanein� this <br /> classification fron an under�round to an overhead li�ht. <br /> inere being no further business to cor:ie bei'ore tne Board, the neeting <br /> tiras ad�our^_ed ut 12:30 P,:S. � <br /> ATT::S�,� � ��� <br /> �� . <br /> �/� � Chair.a� <br /> �i-��v�� ( .�-,—t�:���--�! <br /> C 7 G� <br /> i <br /> � <br /> Au�ust 11, 1947 � . <br /> A special �eeting of the Eoard of Public Safety 1•Ja� held on I.onda;*, <br /> f:u�ust 11, 1947 at 2:30 P.I��. All r.2enbers �•�ere prosent. <br /> The meeting rras called £or the purpose of considering the evidence <br /> in the• case of Officer Pastricl:, 1•�ho 17A3 suspended fro� duty on August 6, <br /> 19a7. . . . . <br /> Officer Pastricic, havin� rraived fornal notice o� tirse ar.d place of <br /> the hearing, cras present at the r.ieetin�. <br /> After a full discussion of the facts of the case, the Eoarci ordered <br /> Officer Pastrick to return to duty imr�ediately and took tho natter under <br /> advi s ersent. <br /> There bein� no further business to come before the 3oard, the raeeting <br /> ad�ourned 2t 4:30 P.I.'. <br /> ATT�ST: r, �� ) �V Ll.� �—' <br /> -�-,,.��e< � �3a-r � � C:�air:ian <br /> Vr91Ii <br />