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i�6 � , <br /> August 4, 1947 `� <br /> t�7 <br /> ' � <br /> A regular raeeting of the P� ard of Public Safetg ��as held on P,ionday <br /> Auaust 4, 1°47 at 10:00 A.;.I. A 1 r:ier.lbers r�ere present. I,:inutes of the <br /> la�t r�eetin� ti•rere read and apprpved. Salary , in the aMOUnt of <br /> �33,190.36 tivere approved and or ered paid. Clair�.s of the folloti�rin� <br /> suppliers in the arsount of ;71,a�8.75 rrere approved and ordered paid: <br /> Brennan Jeti�relry �? 6,00 Railzvay �xpress Agency ;� 1.40 <br /> Business Systems 5�.52 Radio Distribution Co, 120.00 <br /> Business Systems 3�.09 Recreation �quipr.ient Co. 4.80 <br /> IIusiness Systeras 21�,a8 r�ose w Yiatz 13.50 ' <br /> City �Jater 'ilorks 532�.41 Scherman-Schaus-Freeman 30.80 <br /> Federal Laboratories 144�.30 Schilling's Inc. 51.72 <br /> Garnitz Purniture Co. 34�.75 Sheehan Tire Service 243.80 <br /> Gexieral Sheet TY�etal Co. 26�.85 J� E. 'ilalz Garage 7.50 <br /> Indiana 3e11 Telephone 114�.11 . i'Jesner' s Harley-Davidson 42.05 <br /> The Linde Air �roducts 1.62 '�Jestern Union Tel. Co, .66 <br /> The I�icCaf£ery Co. 17.70 7estern Union Tol. Co. 2.37 <br /> P;icClave Printing Co. 40I.00 i�iemorial Hospital 3.75 <br /> FIR3 D:PARTi:�IiT: Chiei Hoi�rard lvas nresent and natters pertAinina to <br /> his depart�ent v�ere discussed. <br /> POLICE D�PARTI:I�I�T: Chief yverett rras present and r.iatters pertainin� <br /> to his denartment rrere discusse�d. <br /> An application for a Speci'al �olice Co:7:nission t7as approved and <br /> ordered filed for I:, J, Freidli�e. <br /> 13onds for s�ecial police cormissions ti��ere approved and ordered <br /> filed ior bl`i11iAn Ilevins, Josep� l7. �cLstein, Rocl: I:icl:ianus and I;:. J. <br /> rreidline. <br /> EL�CTRICAL DBPARTI.?�I1i: I,ir. `�1i11iar.m Quallg, Superintendent, c�as present <br /> And natters pertaining to his d'epartanent r�ere discussed. <br /> IIr. �ualls presented a replort on tne petition for a street li�ht ' <br /> at the intersection of St. Jose�h and St. Vincent Streets indicating <br /> tnat all of the street lights i that section Fzre of tho Boulevard <br /> Type erith underground construction and ti^rere installed by the devel- <br /> opers of the plat. ihere arellno overhead c�ires in that section and <br /> and additional li�ht installations �°rill havo to be of the boulevard <br /> type and rrould have to be paid I,for by the property orrners. I:ir. tYualls <br /> indicated further that he crould rem �raend this installation if the <br /> signers i�lould pay for the insta:�llation and the city assune tne cost of <br /> operation on the present contract rate of �25.00 per year. The Board <br /> directed hir. Qualls to inform tlhe petitionexs of the above facts. <br /> There being no further business to corae before the Board, the <br /> meeting rras adjourned at 11:45 �1.IS. <br /> � ' <br /> l,�'T�S^• • <br /> ( � // Chairnan <br /> ` �./ -v i �� 1��.,C'.n-� <br /> � � Clerk � <br /> Au�ust 11, 1947 . <br /> A regular meetin� of the �oard o£ Public Safety lvas held on I;Ionday <br /> August 11, 1947 at 10:00 A.P.I. ��All �eMbers ti�rere present. I:Iinutes of the ' <br /> last r.ieeting rrere read and approved. 6alary claias in the amount of <br /> �33,179.08 �•rere approved and ordered paid, There Srere no claims of <br /> suppliers to Ue approved. <br /> rIRL DEPARTi'�P;T: Chief Iio�•rard �Jas present and raatters pertaining to <br /> his depart::ient ti�rere discussed. <br /> The Fire Chief �tas grantec permission to attend a meeting of the <br /> Irrlianel r^ire Chiefs Associatior., in �vansville, Indiana on Septernber 10- <br /> 11 and 12. <br /> A letter rras received fror� the Pension 3oard indicating that <br /> Charles DeVleeschoti•rer had been accepted for pension a�ter trrenty five <br /> years of servico, eS'fective :�ugust 16� 1947 and �d��rard TTir:itz hacl been <br /> accepted for disability pension effective July 27� 1947. <br />