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� �4 � <br /> � <br /> t'IEICI�TS �1:1D �.;�95URP:S : I,Ir. Gn2r�les Burns, City Sealer, £iled his report � <br /> for the ti•reels ending July 12, 1947. C <br /> Tnero bine no further business to come before the 3oa:ci, the r.ieeting <br /> cras adjourned at 11:3Q A.i,i. • <br /> , <br /> ATT�ST• Chaisman <br /> ' �� �-b-� - <br /> ' . Clerk - , � <br /> . ' <br /> J � 21, 1947 <br /> 11 regular rseeting o£ tne Bbard ot PuUlic Safet-� rras held on i?onday, <br /> July 21, 1947 at 10:00 A.I:i. �Ll�. �er.Zbers rrere present, idinutes of the , <br /> last meeting �vere read and approved. Claims of the follovrin�' suppliers <br /> in the a�ount of €�8�651.89 �;rere approned and ordered paid: <br /> Sam Berraan � ;;399.'�2 The i:icCaifery Co, yt 5.81 <br /> Business Syste�s 2.20 i:ie:sorial Hospital 10.50 <br /> Businesssyste�s 2.20 I+or. Ind. Pub. Ser. Co, 1.00 <br /> ,�usiness Systems 8.�9 Peterson Printing Co, 5.50 <br /> Gity l'later ';lorlcs 10.�#4 Radio Distributin� Co. 60.00 <br /> City '�later 1'lorlts 7.30 r�ail�7ay �sprass Co. .94 <br /> City '.'Juter '��o:ks .85 Racreation �quipment Co, 6.00 <br /> City l'later 'kiorlts 11.60 Recreation �quipnent Co. 36.25 <br /> Earry ^1. Lverett 14.b5 Recreation �auipment Co. 1.66 <br /> Federal Laboratories 55.b0 Royal Typeti�riter Co. 3.25 <br /> Ben r^e£erman :'-otor Sales 7.�0 Schilling' s Inc, 8.88 <br /> Ben Feferraan :�otor Sales 1.10 Sheehan Tire Service 7.50 <br /> �otorola� Inc. 7,007.00 Sneehan Tire Service 145.?S <br /> Indinn I,iotorcycle Sales 58.�8 Sheenan Tire Service 192.35 <br /> Ind. �=. L'.ich. �lec. Co. 5.�4 Sheehan iire Service 54.60 <br /> Ind. � iiich. �lec. Co. 2,20 H, n. Slorinski, I;i.D. 156.00 ' <br /> Inditzna c�ell Telephone 25.b9 J, �. lialz Garage 44.00 <br /> The Linde Air rroducts Co. .�0 J. r�, llalz Garage 38.50 <br /> T;icCaffery Co. 5.�5 '�Jestern Union iel. Co. 2.13 <br /> L:cCaffery Co. •3.27 The '�'iorrell I:if�. Co. 243.85 <br /> r^I:?� D3P.�RT2:�IdT: Chief Honard tilas present and ::atters pertaining to <br /> inis dopartment ivere discu,sed. <br /> POLIC� D3PART?:LIdi: CilieS' yverett �ras present and matters pertaining to <br /> his departrsent rrere discussed. <br /> :i bond for a special polic co�-aission ,vas approved and ordered <br /> filed £or ihor,las I;ot�rak. <br /> Chief iverett presented hi report for the nonth of June, 1947. <br /> ELiCTRICAL D�PAR1i,;:;:iT: I�ir. '��illiam Qualls� Superintendent, �as present <br /> and natters pertaining'o his de�art�ent rrere discussed. <br /> . 1� petition r�ith 28 signatu�resvras received a�ing for a street <br /> light at 634 �uclid iivenue. Th s ti•ras referred to Tir. ^ualls for in- <br /> �estigation and report, <br /> A petition rtas received asl[ing for a street lioht at t.�e inter- <br /> section of Sunnyside and Sorin `"trcets, ihis tirasreferred to i:r. �,ual7s , <br /> for investi�ation and report. <br /> IIpon T:r. Qualls recor.�.�enda ion tne Board approved the installation <br /> oi a street light at Orchard an I.onson Streets and directed i:�r. C?ualls <br /> to order it in. <br /> A petition zaas received asliing £or the installation of a street <br /> light at the intersection oi '.�e� c -�cring 2venue and Kendall Street. ihis <br /> rras referred to T:ir. Qualls. • <br />